Martial_Beast's Journey!⚡

Transmute the sexual energy and become the real beast of your life @Martial_Beast. Iam with you. We’ll create an epic life together for each of us. Soon the world will look up to us with respect.


Brother… even I read somewhere… that in ayurvedha( but I did not found any proof) that when one did not lose sperm till the age of 25…means who follow bhramcharya… Due to that sexual energy channelizing in brain… there a nerve get activated in their brain… which givw them super powers like knowledge and extra ordinary learning powers

Also it is seen that… people who follow bharamcharya can able to activate their al chakras very easily… they do not need that much time and mastery in meditation. Or yo can say they already become master in that due to semen retention :sweat_smile:


Day 10

:white_check_mark: Wake up at 4 AM
:white_check_mark: Meditation
:white_check_mark: Review my Reasons to do Nofap
:white_check_mark: Affirmations
:white_check_mark: Physical Workout
:white_check_mark: Yoga
:white_check_mark: Pranayama
:white_check_mark: Tratak
:white_check_mark: Cold Shower
:white_check_mark: Practice Mindful Living
:white_check_mark: Study (5 hours today)
:white_check_mark: Mindful Eating
:white_check_mark: Read an article or Watch a video related to Nofap/Semen Retention/Sexual Transmutation
:white_check_mark: Chess, Sudoku, Brain training games…
:white_check_mark: Read a good book
:white_check_mark: Planning for Next day

If you want to stick to a new lifestyle, you have to find a way to enjoy it. If you don’t find a way to enjoy exercising, you will never stick with it.

We are most happy when we are fully immersed in an activity that leads to a very important and meaningful goal. The process gives us more happiness than the result itself…!
#Enjoy the process


Glad to see complete green mark in your days man. I check your diary everyday. Your growth is incredible. Keep going like a beast :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Day 12

:white_check_mark: Wake up at 4 AM
:white_check_mark: Meditation
:white_check_mark: Review my Reasons to do Nofap
:white_check_mark: Affirmations
:white_check_mark: Physical Workout
:white_check_mark: Yoga
:white_check_mark: Pranayama
:white_check_mark: Tratak
:white_check_mark: Cold Shower
:white_check_mark: Practice Mindful Living
:white_check_mark: Study (6 hours 30 mins today)
:white_check_mark: Mindful Eating
:white_check_mark: Read an article or Watch a video related to Nofap/Semen Retention/Sexual Transmutation
:white_check_mark: Chess, Sudoku, Brain training games…
:white_check_mark: Read a good book
:white_check_mark: Planning for Next day

Motivation can wear off, great words can be forgotten, thoughts can hijack you, but Self-discipline can overcome all of the above and keep u on track. So what is Self-discipline - “You do it even if you don’t feel like, day in and day out”

#Enjoy the process


Great words man, really inspiring, keep doing the good work… :+1::+1::ok_hand:


Which great books have you read and which one are you reading presently?

Your recommended book Atomic Habits was really Great.


yeah brother you are absolutely right. We have to keep going no matter what happens… if we enjoying it or not, doesn’t matter.


Atomic Habits will always be on top of my list…It has really helped me in establishing a solid daily routine!

Currently I am reading ‘The Rudest Book Ever - Insanely practical Ideas to free your mind from all bullshit’, written byShwetabh Gangwar. I have already read it twice a few months ago, and now I’m reading it the third time, as this book is totally on a different level and we will need some time to incorporate the fundamental principles given in that book, into our life!

Here’s the list of my favourite books-
:arrow_right:Atomic Habits - by James Clear
:arrow_right:The 5 Second Rule - by Mel Robbins
:arrow_right:The Compound Effect - by Darren Hardy
:arrow_right: Rich Dad Poor Dad - by Robert Kiyosaki
:arrow_right: The Subtle Art of not giving a fuck - by Mark Manson
:arrow_right:The 80/20 Principle - by Richard Koch
:arrow_right: Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less - by Greg McKeown
:arrow_right: The Rudest Book Ever - by Shwetabh Gangwar
:arrow_right: Everything is Fucked: A Book About Hope - by Mark Manson
:arrow_right:The 4-hour Work Week - by Tim Ferriss
:arrow_right:Power of your Subconscious Mind - by Joseph Murphy
:arrow_right: Unfuck Yourself: Get out of your head and into your life - by Gary John Bishop

Apart from reading books, I also read one book summary daily on Booklet app. Some of my favourite book summaries on that app are- Mastering Creativity, The Craving Mind, Ikigai, Use your Memory, Minimalism, The China Study, Eating Animals, Buffetology, Cashflow Quadrant, Salt-Sugar-Fat, Deep Work, The Power of less, etc…


I have seen many guys do this habit… I also want to read books but everytime I tried it… I don’t know why… I never enjoyed it(may be becoz at that time I was into PMO). My brain always said to me that you can do your studies in this time… blah blah. :sweat_smile:

Do you guys read books online or a hardcopy??

Where to find online books?

@Tagore @Martial_Beast and any other who read books. Suggest me something…so that I can also start this habit.


These book @Martial_Beast has suggested are some of the best books my brother @neo_150. I’ve read some among them. The power of your subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy was the one that changed my life. That book entirely changed my beliefs and thoughts.
To also add to the list
Think and grow rich
Awakening the giant within
Miracle morning etc also had a great impact on me.
Brother @neo_150 unlike watching self improvement videos in YouTube reading directly goes into your mind. It really changes your thought. Its like having a conversation with the writer. And above all, these people who write them meditate for years about it. There is a lot of hard work behind a book. It was written not in a day or two. So everything you read. Every word and sentence are gem. You have to build reading habit bro. It is one of the key stone habit that can change your life entirely. Incorporate 30 min or 1 hour everyday for reading since you are a beginner.


You can get books online for free. You need to put in some effort, type book name pdf free, but you will get them. You can also download for free from website.

I prefer reading hard copy because you purchased it right. So you would feel bad if you don’t read.

I agree with @Tagore

What easily comes easily goes. Self improvement videos are short and easy to watch. So, We don’t retain it well.

Self development book needs a week to read and a month to completely understand it. You got to read it multiple times to get the clear idea. So the knowledge remains with you throughout your life


It’s funny how Indians are so much into American success books, while westerners are much more interested in yoga and meditation.


you are partially right, new generation here is more into all these things and following western culture but IT IS ALSO TRUE THAT, there are so many religions in Inida and each of them have Geeta/quran/gurugranth saheb/bible etc are the source of all these books, thought processes behind success and self improvement etc… Even sir Vivek Bindra(motivational speaker, entrepreneur, writer, business consultant and so on) and who is also winner of some competition of best motivational speaker in ASIA… TOLD HIS IN VIDEO THAT WHEN THEY ASKED FROM WHERE YOU DEVELOP SUCH PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS AND CONTENT, THEN HE ANSWERED THAT IT IS ALL FROM SHIMAD BHAGWAT GEETA… HE IS A DISCIPLE OF ISKCON.


Thank you brothers @Adioz @Tagore @anon98741803.

Bdw brother @Tagore… You did not answered my actual question. :sweat_smile:

Sorry @Martial_Beast … to discuss things (not related to your diary) here.


And my focus is on getting the best of both the worlds! :wink:


By the way I apologize to everyone for hurting your sentiments…won’t happen again​:+1::pray:

1 Like

Day 13

:white_check_mark: Wake up at 4 AM
:white_check_mark: Meditation
:white_check_mark: Review my Reasons to do Nofap
:white_check_mark: Affirmations
:white_check_mark: Physical Workout (6 days a week)
:white_check_mark: Yoga
:white_check_mark: Pranayama
:white_check_mark: Tratak
:white_check_mark: Cold Shower
:white_check_mark: Practice Mindful Living
:white_check_mark: Study (7 hours today)
:white_check_mark: Mindful Eating
:white_check_mark: Read an article or Watch a video related to Nofap / Semen Retention / Sexual Transmutation
:white_check_mark: Chess, Sudoku, Brain training games…
:white_check_mark: Read a good book
:white_check_mark: Planning for Next day

Life is just a lot better if you feel u are having 10 small wins a day rather than a big win in 10 years! Breakdown your goals so as to create a consistent feedback loop of small wins. Our subconscious mind does not understand the difference between big achievement and small achievement. It can only differentiate between achievement and failure. It’s the frequency of wins that motivates us, not the size!

A goal to finish reading a 200-pages book will give us a win-state only after a month. If we break the goal into 5-6 pages a day, we win every day. This gives almost 30 positive feedbacks in a month to the subconscious mind. As the time passes, u would be able to finish one chapter or more per day. And thus, we can successfully build the habit of reading daily!


brother… you are really a beast… You did 7 hours study and also completed other work. I know exactly how much efforts you are putting in daily… ONLY BY DISCIPLINE THIS CAN BE POSSIBLE… I am lacking in discipline a little daily and that is why end up with 5 hours of study only. My schedule consist (8 hours of study + other daily routine tasks).

You are really inspiring me… bdw do you maintain a daily schedule(time table)?


@Martial_Beast your diary is amazing man and really inspiring
A game changer here your completely turned arround my perspective to this rewiring process
This application is real gold o wish i wld have known about it sooner
Keep it up man u motivate all of us
You are a lifesaver man
Never give up