First I am not expert in English. I am currently a English student in level 6. Although I do not feel like someone that is in level 6.
Level 6 is the final level in my English program.
Anyways something about myself.
23 years old.
Student of Psychology in the final part.
I don’t have idea how translate “cuatrimestre”
So I am the last cuatrimestre of my degree. I am afraid. In only two months I will have to do my degree exam for my titulation. And is like “Wow” the time pass so fast.
I have this addiction for 12 years ago?
Everything started when my uncle show me by the force a P0rnsite on smart TV at my grandparents house. I was 10 years old?
That experience change my life a lot.
And obviously is when my addiction started
But that’s a large history maybe in other time I can tell you more about it.
My current Streak is about 2 days and counting.
I feel more productive.
I feel with less anxiety and fault.
I have more time and energy for do more activities.
For example, read manga, books, watch anime, series, movies. Study for my final exam. Talk with my family and friends.
Play videogames.
Learn new recipes and practice them.
I have more confidence in myself.
I don’t have idea how to write a Diary here. Sorry xD
I just think "is good chance for improvement my English and feel in company in this journey.
I don’t have a clear objective in my Streak that I aim for. I only want to post my experience. Maybe can help a someone a little.
Have you realized when your addiction since started?
I swear be more open in my next entry.
And give advices for you.
All the best brother.
Cool, i am waiting.
Type(there’s a reply button) , whatever you want to share,
Entry 2.
Current Streak about 3 days and counting.
Hey! Brothers and sisters in this journey.
I am archivement a new record 3 days with no fap.
And I feel good. So good.
Before I started this journey, I was with sleeping troubles.
So I was usually slept at 3am. With bad thoughts and regressions about my past. That was awful.
And the fault that I had feel for doing fap. Did not help me.
Now I can sleep with no problems. Due to I not doing fap.
And strategies that I discovered thorugh this journey.
I tell you one of my strategy.
Read Shojos or wholesome Manga/manhwa before sleep.
That help a lot for low the bad thoughts.
And they give a good feeling of quiet.
At least for myself that helped me a lot.
Second strategy.
Before you go to the bed shower yourself.
At least for me, I don’t like do fap if I am recently showered. Or if I am just changed my clothes.
Because I don’t like doing fap If I am clean.
Maybe that strategy can help you too.
Thrid strategy.
Uninstall telegram, Twitter, whatsapp or at least left from the groups that you know what I talking about. Well that can be a little extreme. But that helped me a lot.
fourth strategy.
Write a diary just like I am doing right now.
That is helping a lot because now I feel in company in this journey.
I feel that I am not alone in this battle. And that is helping me to have more volunty for not doing fap.
Because my diary maybe can help a someone.
And that make me happy.
Well in the next entry I think about write in Spanish too.
I hope you can find helpful my diary.
See you next time
Entry 3 05/06/2022
Last streak: 3 days
Current: Streak 2 hours.
I did relapse. And I don’t feel bad about it.
Because I learned a lot from myself.
For example, Now I know the reasons for what I did PMO
By the way
What means PMO?
Apologize for my ignorance.
The reasons because I did PMO. Are…
Curiosity - I am currently in a lot of groups in telegram about Onlyfans, and hentai.
And I have a Favorite models. So I wanted to check if one of that models had an update.
And yes, they did have.
Anywas thats not the reason because I did PMO. Is one of the reasons.
When I was checking the groups in telegram, I feel something in myself.
A familiar feeling. I was again in the obsession of scrolling. Nothing seemed satisfies me. I know very well that routine. And I thinked “Oh, yes here we go again”
Anyway, I talked to myself and said me “Let’s this quickly, I have to study”
And then I was in groups over groups scrolling looking for something that “can satisfies me”
After one hour I finally do PMO.
And obviously I did not find something special. Because I don’t remember what made me did PMO.
Anyway I surprised myself, 3 days is a special mark for me.
And that showed me that I can live with no PMO.
The benefits are very good.
Now I am aiming for one week Streak.
I am happy with the results.
And the reasons because I did PMO are curiosity, routine, experiment and boring.
Thanks for reading me
See you until next entry.
And yes my English is getting better.
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Entry 4
Current Streak: 2 days.
A lot of things happened these days. Well first the important point.
I think my PMO is only a bad habit, because when I did PMO is just like, idk. The habit of beating my meat because only custom.
And yeah a bad habit that I need eliminate.
Cause I even when I was had sleppy, I did it.
And that was horrible, my eyes closing with some tears. And I did still did it.
That was unnatural. When I am have over, I got tired and hungry.
I told to myself - is enough, is dangerous for us. Sleeping at 3 am.
And yeah, I think is only a bad habit.
Because that give a bad feeling in my body, and makes me feel uncomfortable.
Don’t forget the hungry and guilty feeling.
So, I have the same goal 7 days Streak.
Wish me lucky.
I hope write tomorrow
Día 4
Racha actual 2 días.
En estos días han pasado muchas cosas. Pero primero lo importante.
Creo que el hacer PMO solo es un mal hábito.
Porque cuando hago PMO solo siento, no sé. Una mala costumbre que necesita ser eliminada.
Porque incluso cuando estaba con mucho sueño con los ojos cerrándose y con algunas lágrimas en ellos. Lo hice, aunque me moría por dormir. Fue como piloto automático. En verdad no sentí que lo hiciera por alguna excitacion o algo por el estilo. Simplemente lo hice por pura costumbre.
Me dije a mi mismo, es suficiente. Dormir a las 3 am, es peligroso para nosotros.
Es suficiente de este mal hábito.
Es un mal hábito que sólo me deja con una sensación de suciedad en mi cuerpo y me deja cansado.
Además de provocarme hambre y culpa.
Esto es todo por ahora, espero escribir mañana también.
Mi objetivo sigue siendo el mismo, racha de 7 días.
Primera entrada en inglés y español
Deseenme suerte
¿Te interesaría hablar en privado por algún medio?
Depende del objetivo que tengas en mente. ¿Con que objetivo nos comunicamos?
Voy al grano quiero un compañero de lucha que hable español
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Entonces puedes añadirme como amigo aquí y nos hablamos por aquí, si gustas.
Mmm. Que te parece si hablamos por otro medio? Quiza Gmail o Whatsapp
Mmm, no me sentiría cómodo compartiendo información de contacto personal. Al menos por el momento. Me gustaría hablarnos por este medio por el momento.
Esta bien. Solo que aun no he indagado mucho en esta pagina y no se si lo que se escriba aqui sea publico o sino.