Looking for company to stay motivated and motivate

Hey there I want to support you

Let’s support each other! What’s your companion code?

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I can be your company :slight_smile:

what ever you need bro. c5face

whats your sharing code?

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what is your sharing code now?

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It’s: a989e9[ tatarararannn]

Longest and current streak is 23
Added you bro, my code is c73983

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Hey. How are you? How are you feeling about this challenge?

Added you. Add me too. Male 35 Canada. 706cd8

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Added you. All the best on your journey, we are in this together

What challenge do you mean?
Rewiring for me is not a challenge (even though its challenging), it’s a goal :wink:

I added you as well. How are you today?

Ok. How is your day towards your goal.

You are right it’s more a goal than a challenge

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Looking good so far. I won’t go into too much derail here, check my diary for insight :slight_smile:

Perfect. You are on the right way

35, Male UK here - would be happy to fight this battle together bro.

Anyone else wants a companion then add me as well.

sharing code - oyv5q9

3esi8l this is my code, add me too bro. You you got this :muscle:t2:

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Do you guys wanna join the “BEAST KING MODE” noFap challenge? The competition is till the end of this year. Around 45 members are already competing there.

You guys can add me too. I need more partners
My code : 1b0zln