Looking for Companions to help support

Sharing code - 2fwj81

Current streak - 11 hours
Highest streak - 11 hours
Age - 47
Gender - M
Location - US

Needing support Companions to help hold me accountable in this journey. Been struggling since I was 18; I am now 47! Time to defeat this monster once and for all.


Hi Dw, I’m 36, I realized I needed to quit after bad marriage crisis occurred last year. I’m alone now. Struggling since 1 year. Only able to reach 17 days. I keep falling in relapse cycles that last weeks, alternating small streaks and days “0’s” until I manage to start the two weeks streak, to then fail always within week 3. A nightmare. Would you like to try together?

Absolutely. I have been struggling with this since I was 18 years old. Now 47. It can ruin a life and marriage. I honestly can’t think of the last time I had true sex with my wife instead of flapping off to the screen. :neutral_face: It is time to get rid of this monster.

Great! I’m from Italy so our time zone is different but I trust we can make it :muscle: I was wondering, do you use any blocker? I have blocker Hero… If we used the same we could be the accountability partners. But besides that, we could try to come up with some “drill” ideas to execute in case of urge, for instance if we feel a urge and we feel like we are about to act out, the rule might be to immediately contact the partner… :thinking: Just brainstorming… Let me know if you have any ideas on how to help each other prevent relapses. If you are still with your wife, do anything you can, you are still in a lucky situation. Value her, don’t make her feel like you take her for granted, make her feel desired, surprise her. If you have a tendency to let her make decisions, try to change that pattern, be the one who leads more often. I’m telling you the things I fucked up hoping it can help you. Hugs man! Let’s fight!

Great. I’m David from the US. Yes, I do use a blocker, and do use Blocker Hero, so that will work out great. I am listed under the email [email protected]. As far as other ideas. The contacting each other regarding urges is an excellent idea. I also try to get my mind distracted. Walks in Nature, Meditation, Accountability is huge, also Cold Showers.

Amazing! Francesco here :blush::muscle: I’ll figure out how to add you on blockerHero, at the moment my partner is set as “myself” but to change it I need to temporarily unlock everything. Will update you asap.
Workouts, meditations, cold showers, walks in nature are absolutely amazing I agree!

fwwmre is my share code for the rewire companion app, I just downloaded it and just learning about it now… If you want you can try to add me via the app let me know if it works

Oh man it’s so nice to see some real middle aged dudes here, I welcome both of you here.

Actually this is progress, see the concept of counting days can be good but it’s more of a pessimistic approach, because whenever you Relapse all you see is a big fat zero which makes you more depressed, just think about the days where you didn’t Relapse, also when you say this

Mhmm boredom and solitude are the biggest triggers for me so i like to keep myself busy as much as possible, Make new habits and keep yourself SUPER BUSY and if possible spend your time where your brain can’t even imagine about po*n such as parks or anything which works for you and you’ll forget to PMO.

Kudos to you @dwmiller7, Atleast you have the courage to fight it, I freaking respect that.

It’s never too late, if you can stop it for a day then you can do it for lifetime. I’m sure a total reboot of 90 days and you’ll be like a young stallion :grin:

I’d like to share suggest some books, They really helped me ALOT.
1: Your brain on Pon
2: The east peasy way to quit po
n (please read)
3: Atomic habits

images (12)

Best of luck to you gentlemen.



Thank you Kazim! I absolutely agree :muscle::muscle::muscle:

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