Looking for companion

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Sharing code - ac2074

Current steak - 20 minutes
Highest steak - 10 days *
Age - 22
Gender - M
Location -

Why I want a companion - * cause pmo sucks and I wanna out

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Added. Let’s fight together for our liberty!!!

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Hello there fellow companions it has been a while since I last posted out to this forum which was back when the old forum was functional a lot has happened still but the thing is that it has been a year for me now fighting PMO and still I’m struggling, falling and learning from my mistakes without making it any longer let’s do this and drop this bad habit like a piece of shit it is and reclaim our lives.
Current steak - 1 day
Highest steak - 52 days *
Age - 26
Gender - M
Location - India

My sharing code: d2112a

Added let’s write our own destiny

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Absolutely One Day at a Time :v:

fec930 add me Bro we’ll do it together

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Alright I added ya! My sharing code: bcfbbc

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