Living: One day at a Time (LC's Story)

Once upon a time in a land :european_castle: far far away there was an 8 year old girl :girl:. Who found out by accident that when you rubbed your most private place a certain way it would feel good. She didn’t know it was wrong and yet felt a need to hide what she’d learned. This went on for weeks until she couldn’t take it anymore, told her mom and stopped​:raised_hand:. Simple as that.
Now about 4 years later with the incident already forgotten this 12 year old girl :girl:looking for a movie :movie_camera: on her brother :boy:computer :computer:finds some ■■■■.
Of course instead of doing the right thing, like not reading the weird material, she does. Remembering the pleasure she felt when she was 8, this child👶 decides to combine masturbating (a foreign consept at the time) and ■■■■, what ensues is years of guilt, remorse and self hate.
Sadly, 6 years have gone by and this girl👧/woman👩/child👶 is still struggling with these addictions knowing fully what they are and what they do.
:arrow_up:This would be my “tragic” back story. That would make me the heroine​:princess:, anyone who supports me the supporting characters​:raised_hands: (I guess??) and the next month or two of my life the plot line (???) … I suck at metaphors. Let’s just say I’m going to fight​:muscle::muscle::muscle: this thing with all I’ve got and hope it will be enough.
If you want, stay tuned :tv:
P.S (this will probably be more of a weekly then diary)


keep up and don’t give in, no pmo anymore


May the odds be forever in our favor :grin:

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And soo they shall :blush::blush::blush:

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It’s been 9 days since I’ve started this journey. I have met some very interesting people who have had daily battles with their desires and I have found hope again (something I thought I’d lost a ways back). I am so happy that I just might start singing and dancing in the rain. So I want to thank those who have encouraged me this past week. May God bless you and give you strength as you fight the good fight. :heart::heart::heart:


Mhhh I might jump in the rain one day too its a joy to become free of this addiction glad we could motivate you for the better.


I don’t think I’m free yet, but I definitely feel the chains falling. :blush: Small victories.


Keep trying and never stop trying, God bless

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In any :movie_camera::clapper:movie there’s that moment where the hero falls down and gets hurt. The first plan never works. But I have hope. After all, it’s the last thing that dies. I’m restarting my journey from scratch, a little wiser. I do not intend to fall again, but if this happens it is important for me to continue to rise. I’m going to turn this page :page_facing_up::notebook::open_book: and keep moving forward. The song that I’m going to share portrays this. If you want to listen, it’s just below.

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Awsome ! Yes we can do this, with the Lord’s blessing, our determination and others support

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Amen to that :raised_hands::pray::raised_hands::pray::raised_hands::pray::raised_hands:.

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