1st day of the year is over
Motivation was super high on that say
But slowly many will start falling down like i did last year
So let us try not to let the same thing happen again
I will be asking few questions for which ill answer here
I want u all to ask your self the same questions
And if u are comfortable reply to me
If u consider a month, how many days u used to relapse?
On an average my relapses would be 50 approx considering multiple relapses on few days -
It isnt like u finish off relapsing in 5 mins
U search for po*n, search for that one clip keep watching many videos to get that one high
So on an average how much time u used to spend per relapse?
Considering 20 mins bejng the average
Total time per month wasted on ■■■■ is 1000 mins which is roughly 16+ hrs a month -
For how many years have u been addicted ?
Roughly 7 years -
Whats the total time i have wasted till now
1000127 = 1400 hours -
When u started nofap how many times did u tell this is the last time ill start fresh from tom and ill conquer this time?
100+ times
When u put 1400 + hours u should have achieved something right . So give one thing that u achieved in these 1400 hours?
I didnt achieve anything but this addiction with various other cost me 2 and half precious career years of mine
It cost me my mental peace
It cost me my healthy body
It cost me my concentration
It almost cost me my relation
Do give this thing a thought
Its not like 1400 hrs im 7 years is very huge
But it becomes super huge when u gain nothing from it but rather u had to pay a huge price for being hooked to it
Lastly do u still want to relapse and be hooked for this whole year and keep paying huge price?
I leave the choice to you