Let's fight this vice together!

Sharing code - eec604

Age - 24
Gender - male
Location - Macedonia

I have found that comparing my success with other companions, no matter if their strike is greater or lesser than mine, helps me a lot to beat my urges.


Filip, I added you.
I’m rapaz.
Age - 19
Gender - male
Location - Brazil
My code is 5ca458573f76a5920


I added you filip

Age 17
Location- India
Gender -male
Code 508aae

This is my code.Add me please.

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I added you, Dadada.

Rapaz, I added you. Congratulations for your 10 days

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Thaks, kamafeo.
So, what is code?

I am embarrased all you see how stupid I am, but I going to improbe, sure.


I added you Filip and kamafeo

Age 17
Gender Male
Location Canada
Sharing code 558de6

Add me
my code 4faf02
I added you

I’m from Brazil
9 years of fight
but now, I’ll win this curse
I was very ashamed, so I fought alone. The energies are over. I ended up developing an emotional illness because of this, today I take medicine But I learned the lesson, now I sought help more closely from my family, friends, and especially from God.

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Add me too…
My code is - 37a716

I’ve added you. I will be glad if you all guys add me.
My code - 5b10c0

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Added you dadada
I am also from India
Code 508aae

Added you vaibhav
My code 508aae

Added you mr.kyzne :+1:

@Julio ; @mr.kyzne4uk ; @saintscgy ; @vaibhav_khiv

I added you four!

my code 360e4e

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Thanks ! I added you too

Hey, guys, you can count on me!
Rapaz, 19 male.
My code - 5ca458573f76a5920

I also added you, neveragaintw)

You can add me
My generate code is 93ac5a

Male, 22, from indonesia

Lets fight this hell addiction

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