League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 🎩

Good day to all of you! I’m here to report, again a few hours early, my 2nd day in the way to becoming a gentleman! Congratulations to all who reported their first days! Also, let me thank @Duran for warm words! I really do hope this challenge will be a safe haven for many.

@TheSeeker I’m sorry to hear about the relapse, but don’t despair! For this moment we’ll keep the League open to second attempts.

However, I do hope this group will be a support group, rather than competition. If you care to share why you relapsed, I bet we, people who aspire to be Gentlemen, will be able to provide support!

@CoffeeMan - thanks for the extensive post! I’m going to follow on this and ask you - what is Your Purpose? What Actions are You undertaking? It can be a question to us all!


Kindly Add me in as well

Sharing code: 9rksm2
Current streak: 10hrs

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In a broader sense, I want to provide some kind of value to humanity through my existence. Like all the good people that came before us, whose contributions paved the way for a better world. I would like to share a quote by Sir Isaac Newton here: “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

More specifically, I want to start small. Starting with being capable enough to take care of my folks (esp. mom) so they can live comfortable lives. I want to make it so that work is a choice and not a necessity for them.
That would be followed by contributing towards my community. I live in India and there’s a lot of room for improvement.
Then I have something that I cannot currently share with you guys. What I can tell you is that this particular purpose of mine stems from a personal predicament. And I have made it a professional endeavour of mine to find a solution so that no one has to suffer again. I may open up about this in the future when I’ve made meaningful strides on this front.


I’m taking responsibility for every little thing. I’ve decided to marry WORK. In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish WORK, till death do us part.
Towards that end I’ve started this ritual of starting my day with sweeping and mopping the floor.
This is a very recent development which is still evolving but the idea is to embrace the pain of hard work with open arms. I believe this will build strength of character. There’s a lot more that I’m doing but I’ve spent a lot of time typing so will share more some other day.


Day 1
Check in :white_check_mark:
Current Streak - 0

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Check in:
Day : 02 /18 :white_check_mark:

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I relapsed :pensive: @someBody13

@AlexBros733, sorry to hear that! Do you care to share reasons and maybe ways to avoid them for the next time? It may not be a defining characteristic of a gentleman, but I firmly believe we should acknowledge it shortcomings and learn from our mistakes. Among the League, we should strive to provide support and guidance instead of judgement and condemnation.

Let me also give you the following quote from Rafiki, speaking to Simba

“Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it.”


Checking in Day 2. Feeling strong today, we meditate and were talking about faith in God’s word with my wife about how she does struggle in other areas of her life. Then I can be an example for her and my children of having faith and strength in what God has done for us.

Keep fighting the good fight my brothers. May all have an excellent saturday


C.S. 1 day✌️
Daily check in :v:

Today is my birthday…i will maintain my streak so that i can enjoy 1 full year streak on my next birthday.


Ok… It happened because I’d spent too much time on surfing the internet since morning and didn’t do any productive work throughout the day. I slept after falling in it and yeah… I was feeling low before and after it. I should’ve let that intrusive thought go on its own but I hold that on which cause this losing it. I should’ve moved out of the room and distract myself from it like listening to some music or push-up or something. I’ll start again and this time I firmly believe this won’t happen again.

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Happy birthday Bro :tada:


Day 2 to become Extraordinary Gentleman


Daily check in :white_check_mark:

20 characters


Day 1 successfully completely
Difficulty level: 2/10

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Another day, and yet no challenge!

Reporting in Day 3, still going on without troubles!

On the other hand, outside of the challenge I have already 3 weeks behind me!


@someBody13 count me in mate
SC: zadvj0
CS: ~30 minutes


C.S. 2 day✌️
Daily check in :v:


Daily check in :white_check_mark:

20 characters


Day 2
Check in :white_check_mark:
Current Streak - 2 days


count Me
current streak 44 days
sharing code: top7s6