L.P.S. Challenge: The Rewire Continental Hotel

Someone announce this challenge or we are should write it?

I can bet with you For 21 days!
I will take a loan!
We can bet on each other!
You wanna place a bet?

Yep lets go

@Luffy :heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark::heavy_check_mark:

@The_wild_perception I have placed a bet on you for 24 GCPS for 21 days and i have updated the scoreboard…

Alright @Luffy… All the best

We will finish it together :muscle::muscle::muscle:

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@anon93596246 what’s your status the bet is over
I haven’t relapsed

Yes,brother. I too not relapsed. We are both win :white_check_mark::muscle:. Congrats

Does that mean my current gold coin points are my current streak + the bet won(18+5) or only the current streak(18) I
I’m assuming it’s the former

Admin’s account suspended. As I understand this challenge closed…


Yup this challenge is closed , nobody is there to manage it .