Journal, but only about female attraction experiences

I stumbled upon the anti-method of seduction someone posted:

I think this approach fits well with SR, and I’ll begin implementing it when I have some free time.

Hey guys, 30 days in.

I actually got sick for the last week or so, but kept working through it. Eye contact was still strong even while I was feeling lethargic.

Thought I’d update today because this girl I was looking at gave me a massive smile and her eyes started just rapidly blinking as I kept my direct gaze at her.

Day 30+ is usually when I get the pretty intense attraction. Going to a club tonight, will keep you guys updated.

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Lol. Just after I wrote this I made eye contact with another girl and the same thing happened. She got all flustered and started blinking rapidly.

Good times.


Mor eye contact, women saying hello to me randomly. Have a few dates lined up for next week.

Still haven’t tried the anti method technique, but can see the benefit of it.


I don’t know who’s flagging my posts, but you need to get a life honestly.

I made it very clear what this thread is about, so if you get triggered by sex, you know, the thing your parents all did to make sure you’re here, please just be an adult and don’t read anything here, cool?

Now for the adults in the room, I’ll repost the update.

At day 35 yesterday had a girl I met on an app. We had a great date, and SR kept me in the flow.

We got back to my place and did everything in bed except have sex. I am still retaining and won’t reset the streak.

More eye contact from girls on day 36, and have women reaching out to me on the app as well, which doesn’t happen when I’m retaining. It’s this I find very curious as it can’t just be explained away with pheromones or good posture etc.

Day 37: Girls coming out of the woodwork now on the apps, telling me to tell them when and where to meet for dates.

This did NOT happen before. I have the same profile as when I started more or less.

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Which app are you talking about ?

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I’m using Hinge mostly, but Tinder also.

Had two girls basically demanding I organise a time to meet them.

I think everyone should just let him be.

And for you and everyone on this forum, or anywhere other place/platform/whatever else this would be quite helpful. Always keep it in mind.


Just my opinion anyway, take it or don’t.


I made is quite clear what I’ll be talking about.

Sex to me is an absolutely natural, and desirable part of life, and the effects of SR on female attraction is fascinating.

I’ve hit day 40 by the way, still retaining, and had sex yesterday without orgasm. I’d say I’m in a bit of a flat line atm, and taking some supplements like Saw Polento, Zink to try lift me out. Still feels awesome tho. General energy is high, still have good energy at the gym and good recovery.

The puritan, Judeo Christian approach that I don’t supbscibe to. I am more of a daoist.

As far as I know, this isn’t a Christian app, but maybe I’m wrong?

Basic chastity isn’t a concept exclusive to judeo christian values.

You’re free to do and express what you like, but don’t spread misinformation.

And first of all get out of your bubble.

Blowing off your load to random girls is more of a western hookup thing.


This thread has recently veered into content that might not align with the primary purpose of this forum. Please remember to keep discussions respectful and relevant to the community’s focus on self-improvement and overcoming personal challenges.

While everyone is entitled to their opinions, it is crucial to ensure that these discussions do not become confrontational or disruptive. If you wish to discuss sensitive topics or personal philosophies in detail, consider using private messages.

I hope we can all forgive each other and realize that people from all over the world with different backgrounds and cultures are using this forum. It’s best to keep them as who we are and not question or interfere with the other’s beliefs in a way that might be considered as provoking.

Thank you all for your understanding and I wish you an amazing day!


I’m happy to just discuss my experience, and not the morals and ethics of doing something every single person since the start of humanity has done to exist :person_shrugging:

Then don’t. Just don’t spread misinformation. And don’t call yourself a Daoist either. You’re none of that.

If you aren’t even aware of these five basic rules of Daoism, you should be ashamed to call yourself a Daoist. That’s something every beginner should know.

It’s very clear you know none of that, but just want to make yourself belong to a group.

What would you know about even practicing it?

In short - all noise, no substance.

I knew them before you, and I don’t call myself a Daoist.
Also because there’s a person here @ToThy who has discussed with me about the traditional Chinese medicine which is obviously intertwined with the Chinese culture as a whole and of course with Daoism. And they also say this life force shouldn’t be wasted.

Self control is something a lot of ancient civilizations have promoted. Not just sex, but also in regards to food and other things.

If you want to do your deeds, that’s fine. If you want to justify them using falsehood, it’s not. Just own it and get aside.
Don’t try to teach others.


You don’t have a clue about Daoism if your reference is Wikipedia, but hey, not here to discuss this with you.

I’m at 50 days retaining already, more than some who completely abstain. I’ve had multiple sexual experiences now with women, without ejaculating.

Oh please. You have one point of view, but it doesn’t make you objectively right.

Let people see every side and then chose their path. That’s why things like Tantra came about, after Buddhists were too uptight.

Anyone that’s interested in how retaining pertains to female attraction, please write what you want me to talk about. 50 days in, energy high, workouts are great. Happy to teach or guide anyone to whatever extent.

No need to be a stiff shirt with this stuff or you’ll let your life pass you by.

oh yeah, then what about this?

now I ask you where in Taoism it is asked to hook up with as many girls as possible?

The only thing that I found that resonates with this

it’s in here, where it says not to deny the basic urges. But nowhere it says to go off and hookup as many times as you want.

Indeed it asks you to keep your thoughts pure too. And to minimize desires, seems opposite of what you are doing. So what now?

(this is the source of the screenshots btw -

I’m assured that you’re just another western idiot who thinks tantra is just about sex. That’s the only aspect you know or care about.

You better not be justifying your whatever idiocy in the name of Daoism. That’s the point here, never once put the “morality and ethics” or “right or wrong” of this issue. Get your comprehension skills right.

Remember it was me who defended you in the first place here, but then you converted into a judeo christian value issue which is objectively wrong. Basic chastity isn’t confined to them. That’s an objective fact and that’s the point I stand with even now.

Stop making assumptions on your own, and don’t try to teach others. Jackass.

well this would be my last response here.
I won’t be deleting my reply, because I stand with every word I have said.
But I’m not here to pick fights. My phone is on detox for 48 hours (I’m replying this via laptop) and I thought I wouldn’t get agitated by some random dude on the internet but apparently I was wrong.