JOIN A CHALLENGE | Official Thread [Version 1.0]

Challenge Annoucement!!

Phone Addiction

Does your phone seem to steal hours of your day? When was the last time you truly disconnected? On average, people check their phones up to 58 times a day, with daily screen time reaching an astounding 5 hours and 25 minutes—excluding time spent on computers or TVs!

Excessive screen time can impact our mental health and well-being, with research linking it to increased rates of depression, anxiety, emotional stress, sleep disturbances, and loneliness. The more hours we spend on our devices, the less we invest in meaningful connections with ourselves, loved ones, and the world around us. Unplugging allows us to reclaim these moments, reconnect with nature, and enjoy real life.

Unplug Your Mind encourages you to make a conscious effort to step away from your screen. This digital detox is an opportunity to recharge by soothing your nervous system, reducing stress, and fostering genuine connections. Whether you decide to limit your screen time or disconnect completely, this challenge offers a chance to redirect energy toward a more fulfilling, intentional life—and to address any other addictions like PMO that are holding you back.

As the name “Rewire Companion” suggests, rewiring isn’t about just one habit; it’s about reclaiming control over our lives to improve our well-being. By becoming aware of how much time we lose to mindless scrolling or constant notifications, we create space for more enriching, purposeful activities.

If you’re ready to join us, click here and post, I am interested in joining this challenge. The moderator, @The_Rising_One, will add you when they’re online.

Take a moment to read through the rules and details carefully … and get your life back!

Get Your Life Back!