Jameo's Journal


Decided to start journaling as a way to get out some thoughts and feelings and reduce stress.

Today I’m grateful for my family, the chance to work from home with my dogs, and how God has taken care of us over the years.

My goal today is to finish up a big home repair project, write an article, and get the house cleaned up before my wife gets home.

I didn’t sleep that great so maybe a second cup of coffee is in the works. I’ve done a good job this week eating at home and not spending money buying stuff in restaurants. Really having some financial challenges and need to economize.

Whatever you’re dealing with today, you can deal with it. And if you can’t, it will pass.

  • Jameo

Welcome to our community @Jameo !
I hope you’re having a wonderful day. I would just like to wish you all the best on your journey and remember; unless you work as hard as the ones you admire, do not explain their success as luck.


Thanks so much for the welcome, encouragement, and inspiration!


I got an idea online to try. One of the drawbacks of keeping track of no-PMO streaks is how devastating it is when you have a relapse. So the idea is, set a goal of doing PMO no more than once during a week. Once you achieve that, then set a new goal of 2 weeks. You can do that for other habits as well of course. My goals:

PMO no more than 1x in 4 days. That will take me through Saturday. Then I’ll start Sunday with a new goal of 1x in 7 days. I can do this for sure. This won’t be hard.

  • Jameo

I’m really exhausted today. Working so hard, but not actually accomplishing as many things as I want to. Car problems, financial issues. And just feeling isolated, lonely and sad.

Ok, there’s my pity party. Now I’m going to take a break and do something else. I don’t feel like doing PMO. I’m on track with that.


No PMO for 4 days (July 24-28). Almost halfway there.


I won’t say no cause yeah this idea work but I just want to point out if you make it to 4 days No PMO, you don’t need to relapse at the 5th. What I mean is 4 days should be your least streak, not your full streak. Continue as much as you can after that. Once you get used to it, or let’s say you found yourself surpassing those 4 days a lot with an average streak of 7 days, then you can set 7 days as your least streak and so on…

We are here with you

I want you to smile more than this emoji:

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Thank you Bino! Yes indeed! That’s the plan! So here’s how I see it. When I’m motivated, it’s not hard to go a few days to a week without PMO. But the longer I go, let’s say I reach two weeks, three, four, then when I relapse it’s super super discouraging and leads to a binge. Instead, I’m focused just on this short time period and when that is achieved, great! that’s a win. And to make it even more possible, if I do relapse, then it is still a win if I get through the latest goal with only one relapse. This takes the discouragement out of the relapses and helps get over them faster. When that goal period is over, forget about it. Don’t keep track of how many there were. I think it’s when we feel this pressure to make really long streaks and then get discouraged when we mess them up that it’s counterproductive.

This morning I feel pretty good. I’m going to get a lot of work done and have fun doing it. I have to remember that my emotions are like the weather. Good or bad, they pass. So if I’m not enjoying a current emotion, I can know that one I like better will come along eventually.

Be strong, courageous, and content today, everyone! - Jameo


Dang I got like more than 12 hours of sleep yesterday. My system was really running low and I needed it. Getting ready for a few days’ vacation trip with fam.

Finances are a big concern right now. Hard putting kids through college and paying for weddings. I’m working some long hours every day to try to bring in the income we need. Trusting God to bring us through.

Made it successfullly thorugh my first challenge of 4 days no PMO! New challenge: 7 days, no more than one relapse sometime during the week, but shooting for no relapses.

Blessings to everyone.

Goal: 7 days no PMO, no more than 1 relapse. July 28-Aug. 3.

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You can also add “No relapse on day 4” cause that’s the hardest day during the week. That way if you relapse before, you won’t fall to the chaser effect. If you didn’t, you have 4 days streak, and only 3 days are left :wink:

Just sharing how I would have done it.

You can do it!

That’s a good idea! I’ll try that!

Difficult times at home, financial issues, home and car repairs, relationship with wife is good until we go to counseling. Counseling always seems to create an argument. I’m going to talk to her and the counselor next time about how we can change that. It should not be a gripe session about what she doesn’t like about me. It should be us talking constructively about what we appreciate about one another, what we have done the past week to make the relationship better, and what we can do the coming week to improve. She seems to look for things to be unhappy about. It’s really stressful to me and impacts my work productivity. I self-medicate with PMO, alcohol, meds, excessive sleep and all of that drags me and our income down. It’s not the person I want to be. And she is the only person in my life who brings these negative qualities out in me. It’s so different than I thought it would be when we got married.

On the positive side, I have a new editor who is not so micro-managing as the last one and I’ve been able to turn out more writing and get paid more as a result. I’m looking for some additional clients and working on other gigs to try to raise my salary. And also increasing my workout routine. So that’s a healthy choice I’m trying to get consistent with. I poured half a bottle of tequila down the sink yesterday. I don’t need alcohol in my life, it doesn’t contribute anything good.

Goal: 7 days no PMO, no relapse by day 4.

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Off to a new start today with a good new habit. Got a health club membership and went swimming and water-walking early this morning. Going to make that a daily routine, going to bed early, getting up early, and getting more physical activity in my life. Busy day ahead, but I’m motivated and gonna kick butt.

"I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing to be happy. "



I’ve been super wobbly in my no-PMO commitment and already had a relapse this week. But will make sure it doesn’t happen again for the rest of the week. There’s no need to go on a binge.

Encouraged to make contact with two potential clients for my side businesses, both of which could significantly help my budget. Sometimes I feel very lonely but was reminding myself also that sometimes I feel like I wish I were not married. So the long hours of having her off at work gives me an indication of what it would be like to be on my own. Only if I were on my own, my peace would not be disturbed by a big argument every week or two. If anyone is wondering whether or not you should get married, the answer is no, you should not.



I will always be with you bro.

Forget about it. It’s useless so focus on other things.

I’m alone too, you know, and loneliness doesn’t always bring peace. Sometimes it’s hell, especially when it comes to PMO urges.

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Thanks Bino, buddy. You’re a good man. I wish you every good thing life can bring to a person, including someone to share it with if that is what you wish.

I’ve been trying to control my thought processes by remembering I don’t have control over other people and the things that happen around me, only my reaction to those things. I also don’t have control over the past and can’t change it, and most of the things I worry about for the future will never happen. So my time and energy are best spent focusing on what is right in front of me and making the best choices with that.

Last night and this morning I spent some time cleaning up my room. It helps me feel more in control of things and that my life is orderly and moving in a more positive direction.

Went out to the movies with a buddy last night and that was fun. Just to forget about real life for a little while.

Today I’m going to work my way through my to do list and make choices that move me forward.

Have a great day, Bino, and everyone else.

  • Jameo
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Off to a pretty good start this morning, good night’s sleep. Focused and ready to work hard and have a productive day. Going to get some writing and admin work done, straighten up the office and hopefully snag some time to work on my side business.

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Nofap help in daily life

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