It is possible, nothing is impossible

Coming up on day 8. Urges are stronger than ever, but having someone to talk to really helps. I’ve learned a lot about myself in this last week. I was finally able to see my shortcomings and admit to them. That’s always been hard to do. The healing process has begun, and although I know it’s going to be a long jagged road, I’m ready to tackle it and jump in with both feet.


Ahaha, oh c’mon day 8 only? Grind more days!
Good… Luck!(Motivative mockery)

My code if you will:95c698

Yes, I feel you! I want to quit porn, because I don’t want to crave or upgrade my taste into violent por which is not real and destructive to perform in real life.


Great going bro. Just keep up this motivation, and days will turn to months… Only thing we need to do is not to get distracted. Sometimes our friends take us in a wrong path. Everything what we should do is should be positive.