Is swearing ok?🤬🤬

Just a bit curious about this topic since a few months and I have asked many people till now on various platforms or even in face to face talks.
I am not counting my views on this topic and want to see an unbiased result. Please explain your points and why (you/don’t you) considering swearing (ok/not ok).And please ignore religious or cultural beliefs, I need your true, unbiased views…

  • Swearing is Ok
  • Swearing is Not Ok
0 voters

NOTE: This poll is unbiased and your views will be anonymous…

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I’ll check tomorrow around this time, and see what are the results, Atleast vote and if you’re comfortable then only share your personal views…

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It depends on why are you swearing.
Saying bad words to someone is definitely not okay.

But for example there was a time when I said : damn I relapsed. Fck this addiction and it was not a problem

Btw I think everybody can express themselves without swearing, but sometimes it is ok


I think swearing is not good because it is basicaly expression of anger or hate.


I think swearing is not good at all, it can destroy families, ties, relationship literally anything. Respect is something which should be mutual. I’m saying this because my dad has a problem of swearing alot.

Other than that if it’s with people such as good friends then i think it’s tolerable but still it’s not like you’ll swear around friends only, some people have a bad habit of doing it unconsciously. I think it’s not healthy behavior and exhibit brat-like behavior.


I do agree with @TheSeeker. It depends on the context. If I’m swearing to myself not to others for example “F*** these weakling feelings. I’m a man so I will be strong”

But if it’s to someone else, online or in real life, that will be like an attack so it will be really bad then.


i think with friends its ok


Pretty much happy to see your views. I’ll remain neutral and want this social research to continue throughout the year…


What is swearing ?

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Are you aware of foul language(swearing) and curses? As well as the differencs?


@Lefty101 Yeah, I just mean bad language used to a person…or a scenario.

Abusing or using foul language to someone or some situation…

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