Is a 100 days streak possible if I used to do 2 times daily after every 7 days streak since 2019

From 2019, my longest streak is 20 days. Maybe I am an indiscipline fellow. Today I did it twice again. So is it possible a 100 days streak if I used to do 2 times a day in past ? I usually edge. Edging leads me to full blown PMO most of the times.

I need serious advice , criticism and judgement also accepted. :blush::pray:

I will tag

@Binocular ( I need your advice urgently )




Yes it is possible. I had made it twice and 40-50+ days streak a couple of time, even though I fell back in the loop. If I have done it, so can you.
Discipline does play a good role in it though.


Some basic methods that worked for me were

. Book reading
. Cold showers
. Easypeasy and other such helpbooks

I used to be like you …state of mind is of utmost importance…try to stay near family as often as possible


Yes you can. I once used to relapse 3 to 4 times a day and then did 18 days without even edging once. It’s not much but I could have definitely done more. So can you!


It is possible, although i myself never achieved even 30 day streak till date. My highest is 16 during Diwali break in 2021.

But i have seen some of my rewire companions reach 100 or even 200 days streak, and they were a daily fapper once.

So its possible. Dont let your brain fool you that you want it and Its impossible to be free.

I recommend easy peasy. It does talk about such people who believe they can never be Free


There was a time when I used to do minimum twice a day. Emphasis on the word “minimum”. It could have gone as much as 6 times a day (my highest score is 11 in a day)
I have done a 210+ days streak, and recently a 99 days streak too, and then another 63 days streak.
So yes it is entirely possible.
Keep trying.

And happy birthday :birthday:.


Thanks a lot

20 charitra


When you use google translator​:joy::joy:


Why would I need google translate ? Character means charitra in my mother tongue.

Did you mean I should write 20 Sanketa or 20 Sanketiki ?


I remember when i was met with an accident i never thought about fapping itself. It was like 3 months. not even thought about fapping.
my body was in recovery mode. who cares about fapping and all that. all we want is to survive first.

likewise if you are serious met with an accident . i mean simply assign yourself a big goal for 100 days and work work work towards that goal.
your thought process may set in mood but you yourself consiously will only have to work on that goal.
keep aside or minimize all the distracting things and work like hell for 100 days on the areas you want to work.

see you after 100 days.

simply that simple it is. your mind is making all dramas and asking this kind of questions. is it possible ?

yes it is

People have done like this before ?

yes they did

give yourself a work accident.


Bro everything that you believe in your mind is possible. Trust me.

You can achieve more than 100 days streak or better you can completely transform to nofap lifestyle.
Just believe and feel that you can and it will happen.

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Imagine me singing it:

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you

Happy biiiirthday @Amitroghates

Happy birthday to you

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