[iPhone Testers Welcome] Sneak peek into NF Companion iOS Version

Many people have requested for iOS version of the app. It’s under development, maybe a month or so till the release on iOS app store. Stay tuned!
Since time is a limited resource, the development of the android version will be slowed down (kinda). Once the iOS version catches with the android version, both updates will be regular and fast. And Awesome!.

Now some screenshots (Note this is early design)


Nailing it, @Taher!

As an Android user, I give way to our iOS fellows :wink:
The app’s got AMAZING since the last two months. To include iOS users is the next big leap.


The beta should be out soon.
Some iOS testers would be great., if anyone wants to test the app before it launches on the app store, feel free to pm me.

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I’ve been waiting for this version since december 2016! It’s a great news. I have an old andróide cell phone only to use This app. Yesterday coincidentally, I sent an email for developers about that. I didn’t believe it until I read this topic:

Greetings Thiago,

“Yes, development for the iOS version is in progress, but it might take around a month to get the basic app out in the AppStore.”

In the end, Sorry, English isn’t my first language


I’m Brazilian and I would like to test the app for iOS before launch. So, if I understood well your message it’s possible, isn’t it? I’ll be happy. This app helps me a lot. Thanks

I’d like to participate on the iOS beta test - how should I proceed?

Let me start by saying thank you for helping so many people through this tough time and this is an amazing app/program and I would love to try
The Beta iOS version when it’s Available.
Thanks again my friend

Hello, id like to try the beta iOS version, how can I get it?

Just Pm me your apple id

Hii, I´d also want to try the app

@Taher udii91@gmail.com is my Apple ID Please help how I can get the app in ios

Hi, i would like to try the beta.
apple id - rahul.rk626@icloud.com

Beta is over for now. I’ll pm you when there is a new build.

I want to help you, i use iOS 7.1.2
If you that mean you something, i’m in

Beta is over for now. I’ll pm you when there is a new build.

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