I'm practicing masturbation without porn

At first I thought about spending a lot of time without masturbating, but later I saw that this is something natural, which is not the case with pornography. I was already having some sex every now and then, so I decided to masturbate yesterday, but without the use of videos or any such material. I felt good, because my desire didn’t become uncontrollable, like when I use porn, and so I could control my addiction to masturbation and pornography. So the app counter for me is how many days have I been without watching videos and I intend to continue that way. I no longer feel that crazy need to watch porn or masturbate every few minutes. Is so good.


If you are here for only controlling porn addiction then it’s fine I guess but if you are here for overcoming lust and becoming better person then this is a excuse given by your mind. Every nofapper gets this thought . I also had once. But this is not right way.
Because you could have thought of not using porn ever . You could have promised yourself that you would never fap and even if you fap you would not use porn. so see the tricks your mind is playing with you. Control these urges and win over your mind . Controlling your senses will bring you peace brother. All the best.


As a married man, I’ll tell you one thing: both porn AND masturbation by itself will ruin your ability to have normal, healthy sex with another human being. Additionally, masturbation will always lead back to porn for us addicts. Don’t give into either.


It never affected my sexual relationships. So I’m fine. This is helping me, because it’s lessened the compulsion I was feeling and I’m not in the mood to masturbate again. I feel good emotionally.

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It depends on how it’s done. The way I did it served to control my compulsion, because now I don’t feel it like it was strong before. It helped a lot

nothin natural about pretending your hand is a female.


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