I'm going to win against these desires, even if it means.. Daily journal

Even if it means I’m going to die. I’m willing to do and sacrifice anything in order to win this war against myself.
I’m on day 25 now, I’ve stopped counting the relapses long time ago. Today was a big achievement. Normally I fight the desire a little and then give in, and watch xrated videos etc. many times without pleasing myself. Watching these women has become a drug, and I’ll tell myself just this video and I’ll stop, but I never stop. Today I fought off the urge and distracted myself. My next goal is to fight these desires everytime they come and turn the energy into fuel for productive things.
Day 26
Again a day with a lot of battle. Was starting to give in, then suddenly woke up from the illusion and I’ve also reached my limit for the browser for the day. So that’s a blessing. I’m going to back to studying now, feeling more in the present.
Day 30
A big milestone for me. I’m happy to have accomplished this. Unfortunately I wasted my time doing unproductive things, but I’m not going to give up. Let’s keep going and getting better.


Great energy bro! And you’re already on day 25 that’s impressive,


Thank you brother, I greatly appreciate it. Let’s continue striving and becoming better


No one dies by leaving an addiction, you infact constantly keep feeling good about yourself when you decide you won’t go back now.


Thank you, but I mean it in a metaphorical sense. It’s what I’m willing to do.

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Yes but I have seen many people making a very big deal about withdrawal symptoms of leaving addiction. Flatline and shit.
But what we need is just right mindset and knowing that we are making the best decision by putting behind the addiction and you won’t even feel the withdrawal, no flatline.
Keep working on yourself be happy and go on :fire:.
My roommate is a smoker he was planning to decrease the frequency and then slowly leave completely because he felt that withdrawal will be too hard, but when I said that he is just prolonging the addiction by trying to cut down rather than leaving completely and I assured him that he won’t die without cigarettes, he immediately decided to cut off completely :joy:.
These small small mindset changes go a long way.


I agree 100%, these small mindset changes go a long way. Keep motivating people, you seem like a great guy


Can confirm it was me🤣


Hahaha you sound like a cool bunch of friends. Where are you guys from


Lol, I didn’t think about you while saying that tho :joy:, but now that you said it :full_moon_with_face:.

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I an from India. Many of us here are from India.

Thanks dude :sweat_smile:

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Nice I’m Tunisian but I’m from Austria. I want to travel someday to India, can I stay at your place?


Yeah sure. Cordially Invited, I am from Himachal Pradesh in India.
@Binocular is from Tunisia


Very beautiful place, let’s exchange phone numbers so I know how to contact you. I will try to save money and then come :smile:


Hello bro chnahwelek?
Do you understand Tunisian? :smiley:
I’m Tunisian too.

Ena lebes wa inti.
I understand Tunisian too hahah. Do you live in Tunisia?

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Day 27
The limits I set for myself are working. This time YouTube was my trap but then the timer set off and I woke up. I also went out today, which was refreshing. Currently reading CANT HURT ME from David Goggins, what an incredible human being. I recommend it to anyone. We’re slowly making steps towards being a better and stronger person.

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Oh ok :upside_down_face:
Yeah I live in the capital Tunis.

I live in Austria but visit Tunis every year. What is your favourite place in Tunisia?

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Nice, I live in Tunisia but visit Lebanon every year since my mom is from Lebanon

Well, I mostly don’t travel a lot but I guess Sidi Bousaid is the best for me.

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