If you fall seven times stand up eight

طريق التعافي لا يخلو من الزلات والإنتكاسات … فانهض وانفض غبار انتكاستك واجمع شتات نفسك .
فمن الخطأ نتعلم الصواب


English Translation :point_down:

The road to recovery is not without slips and setbacks … So get up and shake off the dust of your relapse and collect yourself.
It is wrong to learn righteousness

معجب ديث نوت آخر
مرحبا بكم في المجتمع الاخ. ستصبح أفضل نسخة من نفسك إذا تمكنت من التحكم في هذا الإدمان. ابق قويا يا أخي. نحن جميعًا معًا في هذا الأمر. دعونا نحارب هذا الدواء. لا أعرف اللغة العربية ، لذلك استخدمت الترجمة للترحيب بك لأنني أيضًا من محبي مذكرة الموت.
Translation :point_down:

Another deathnote fan :sunglasses:
Welcome to the community brother. You are gonna become the best version of yourself if you are able to master this addiction. Stay Strong brother We are all together in this. Let’s Fight this modern drug. I don’t know arabic just used translate to welcome you because I am a death note fan too :heart: .


Hi mate how are you ?
We are her in the same Trench, i see Our cooperation is important for success your welcome bro


Hi brother, looks like you are arabi, I also know some Arabic, ive lived there till I was 17years of age, and then came to India, we are in this together, you can do this.


Hi bro we are in the same trench, yeah i’m arabic… i hope that we can quit pmo forever …how are you ?

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I am fine brother, just need to best laziness and get a purpose to do something in life, currently iam looking for job,…
As for nofap, well that’s what’s been holding me back from Upskilling myself.

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