If Anybody Comes Across Them, Please Do Tell Me

Hey everyone, I left this platform a long time ago, but I always miss two people I met here. Before I get into that, I want to explain why I left. There are some people on this platform that I didn’t like. I did a lot for them, whatever I could do, but in return, they didn’t want to do certain things that I expected from them. Now, I can’t say they never helped me—they were good people and always helped as much as they could. But they lacked something important in my eyes, and that made me very angry.

I left the platform because of this, but I also realize now that I can’t tell someone what to do or force anyone to act a certain way. It’s their personal choice. So, yes, I tested them, and in my opinion, they failed. But still, I have mixed feelings—I love them, and at the same time, I don’t. You probably understand what I’m trying to say.

However, back to my main topic: I always miss two people I met here. One is Yash, who I believe is from Arunachal Pradesh, and the other is Levon from Armenia. These two had such kind personalities, and there was something special about them that I’ll never forget.

I also want to mention that they both know I was the one who blocked them repeatedly, but I did it for a strong reason, not as a joke or for fun. For that, I am truly sorry.

So, my last request to you all is this: If anyone comes across them, please send me a DM. Also, let them know that Textmr03 misses them a lot


Okay, I’m going now. I will reopen this platform after a very long time. Maybe someone will tell them that I miss them, and they’ll DM me again. Then, I’ll be able to say sorry to Levon and Yash for anything negative I’ve done to them and let them know how much I miss them. I don’t know why, but I miss them a lot.

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There are 2 Yash I know here.

@yashnofap01 and @Yash21 . Whom you are referring to.

Yashnofap01 is active these days. Yash21 I think he left the forum a year ago.


Hey , hopefully you are doing good buddy!

I think @yashnofap01 he replied to Yash bhai’s posts.


Yes bro, I remember that around 1 or 2 years ago, Yash told me he was leaving this platform because of some toxic people he had a fight with, and he left the platform forever.

He was older than me—I’m 24, and I think he was around 26 or maybe 27. But yes, he was senior to me.


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