Idea/advise for nop fap relapses

Two days back i have started 30 days no fap challenge but relapsed for 2 times,i want some advice to how to control it.


Hey @Samu007, it’s completely normal to experience relapses when trying to overcome an addiction or harmful habit. The important thing is to not let it discourage you and to keep trying. Here are a few tips that may help you in your journey to break free from pornography addiction:

Identify the triggers that lead you to watch pornography and try to avoid or manage them. For example, if you tend to watch pornography when you are feeling lonely or stressed, try finding healthy ways to cope with those emotions instead, like reaching out to friends or engaging in self-care activities.

Set clear goals for yourself and make a plan to achieve them. Having a sense of purpose and direction can help you stay motivated and focused on your recovery.

Find a support system. It can be helpful to talk to someone you trust about your struggles and to have a network of people who can offer encouragement and accountability. You could also consider seeking professional therapy.

Practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself and remember that recovery is a process and it takes time. Don’t beat yourself up for relapses and instead, focus on the progress you have made and the steps you are taking to overcome your addiction.

Remember, it’s never too late to make a positive change in your life and you have the strength and resilience to overcome this challenge. Keep trying and don’t give up :fire:


Motivating, keep it up @novoluar

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