I relapsed several times, lost control of myself detached from the platform, now feeling more worthless than ever. This is the hardest addiction that ever happened in human life. Its hardest thing living with. How can I get out of it? Dedicated but being dragged back by my own actions and behaviors. Its a pleasure in it that makes me weak, ever wanting to quit, several times but failing. I will start today again. I will keep away with my phone for most of times. Let the future become brighter for me, let God strengthen me, let him make me a greater and destined man who will be making testimony about how I quited fapping and ponography. So help me God🙏
Hello Brother, God will help. Just know that our Redeemer lives. Don’t give up and just keep fighting. If you need to talk feel free to message me.
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Thanks man… I’ll keep fighting💪
Hey bro, I get it. I am starting my journey of not doing it alone. Lean on God in all things. And if you need to, call/text someone. I am more than happy to exchange numbers in a dm if you need someone to talk to.
Also here is my friend code in case you are interested: zqi1uv
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Bro, I suggest you to read a book called Easy Peasy Way to Quit Prn. It’s free on the internet, you can google it.
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