I need help please

I have triggered something bad, I can’t control.
I always say to myself don’t use a laptop at night but still, I use it. I couldn’t control it for three days and back to Zero. please help me. could somebody give me a boost?

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Cold Showers.
Reading Physical Books.
Respect the Journey.
Don’t fall into Comparison Trap.


well the same story… there is something which doesn’t allow us to go beyond… if that barrier is overlooked things vl b easy


Beyond what?

Technology is a useful tool,now how you use it is up to you. No difference between a car and the internet. Both have positive and negative consequences neither can happen unless you ALLOW it to.

I love you but I can’t learn it for you.

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What’s the comparison trap?

U got to believe in ur self that u can do it because u can and all of us can but in that moment of weakness u have to remember why u started this journey if ur reason is much important to u than fapping then u will stop immediately.

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Say for exsample;in my early beard stage of growth i had a long narrow beard. And i saw someone else who had a big wide bushy beard, then felt i undersized due to the early stages of my own beard. I NEEDED that size and shape for whatever self imposed reason to be significant. Comparision Trap.

All journeys are charted differently for the person involved… You can’t move forward without letting go of something else.

I love you but I can’t learn it for you.

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I want to thank you. You’re very kind. Your explanation made me think.

I do suffer from the comparison trap, mostly in the form of setting unreasonably difficult standards or having high expectations. It’s important but difficult for me to just focus on the present/next 24h/next week for instance.

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Break your goals into smaller ones and focus on that. In my experiences the here and NOW(24 hours) is really all you can influence. Unless you have people who trust you, you are the ONLY person under your own control.

Layman terms; control your thoughts and tongue you can master ALMOST anything.

I love you but I can’t learn it for you…


That’s great advice.

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Thank you all for your replies. Today is my day 5 let see how much I resist. I have stopped using Instagram. I believe this is the first trigger which somehow leads me to other things so I have cleaned up my computer. Web history, download history so nothing would trigger me.