I need help I can't stop jo

I can’t stop the fap bro for real. I just relapsed twice today. My best streak was 1 whole week and after I relapsed I can’t get back to it without resorting back to jo Idk what to do.

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Hey man,
Breath again.
Do it another time.
And now ask yourself, what is it that you would rather do than to jerk off? Motivations, energy and your current state put aside, what is it that you truly want?


I want to draw, exercise, and work on my singing and piano skills. But I always end up procrastinating and then jo and losing basically all of my energy for the day.


“On day 1 it seems like nofap is impossible but just focus on 1 day at a time and weeks will become months.”


When urge comes Do not stay alone. Do not touch ur dick in bed or shower. Dont watch erotic pics videos. In the moment of deciding whether to fap or not ask yourself is it worth it. Compare the one minute pleasure to a full blissful life and choose between .


A week is a difficult moment. I am in the week also, and feel in danger, with many temtations. No matter what happend you have to start again and hope this time you’ll get a longer time. In any case we are learning to reduce the frecuency of fap times.

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Take one of those things you’d like to do. Then take one part of it, for example for exercising it might be five push ups. For playing the piano do scales for five minutes. A small step.
Now if you feel the urge the next time, try to make this small step. If you succeed, do it again. And again. The urge might eventually fade! Because you show yourself that you can choose a different path. The more steps you take, the further away you get from the crossroads that led to pmo :slight_smile:


Thank you man I appreciate it that was sound advice right there.

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Hey man i will give you and advice of one of the things that’s working for me which is: not touching your dick, just focus on that, your mind might wonder and have the urges but as long as you don’t touch your dick you are in control and i find far more control in my body than in my mind so it’s working so far! Good luck bro you are in the right path


Man up. 1 week is easy and achievable by everyone. Over 1 week is harder, but then it will start to get easier after around 3 weeks.
Start by not watching porn, if you really can’t control such a simple urge just jerk off your dick, but don’t watch porn - give your mind some rest from it. Once you have stopped watching porn completely, then it should become easier to stop masturbating.

We’ve all been there. I would suggest spending more time around other people as well; back when I was addicted I would always be most tempted when I was alone in the house.

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