I lost I lost this battle relapsed at day 106

I relapsed at day 106🙂
I lost this battle
I just masturbated without porn
But i did relapse
Starting again🙂
But the amount of semen was very low I don’t know why was that…
But that’s okay we are humans and we make mistakes and i truly take responsibility that yes I am a fool because I relapsed but now we can’t do anything
And i m going to start again🙂


Low semen is normal as you relapse after so much time.


Don’t chastise yourself, @GOGETA, keep going on your way instead. Surely you can do it!


Sorry about this, man. Must have been disappointing after a long time.
Anyway, you can do it.

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Semen is low when i do streaks 10 -30 days. When i am masturbate often it will be much more.
I think it is normaly

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The battle is lost only when you refuse to get up.


Semen amount depends on many factors which keeps on changing : body temperature, arousal time, arousal intensity etc. And masturbation produces less semen than sex ( there is a study on that )

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