I just dreamed I masturbated

Then I woke up realizing my streak was still going strong. First time that happened.


Dreams like this are common when abstaining from pornography and masturbation.

I’m over a month clean now, and in the first couple of weeks I was having dreams like that every other night. Dreams of me watching pornography for hours, browsing websites, downloading hundreds of videos and watching it even when loved ones were in the room.

I once had a dream where I relapsed then came on this app to post about it and reset my streak. Then I woke up to find that none of it happened.

The key thing is not to let those thoughts from the dream linger with you when you wake up. Get on with your day like nothing happened, as nothing really did happen.


I think it’s because I hit snooze on my alarm. I had the dream after I fell back asleep. Giving in to the urge to go back to sleep for 10 min must have triggered something in my brain. In the dream I never actually masturbated. I live in an apartment and my window faces a public courtyard. I had taped a sheet of paper over the window so no one would see me. Like I was making all the preparations but never actually followed through with the act.


How on earth is this possible ! This same thing has happened to me. :astonished::hushed:


As I understand it, the part of our brain which deals with survival processes, such as breathing, heart rate, digestion and so on, also stores the memory of high dopamine activities like alcohol, drugs, junk food and of course PMO.

Of course, this part of the brain, sometimes called the reptilian or animal brain, never shuts down when we go to sleep so it is free to access our dreams and try to get us aroused towards returning to this behaviour when we wake up. As far as the animal brain is concerned, the addiction produces a powerful supply of chemicals which are necessary for our survival. The animal brain is highly intelligent in other areas, but completely stupid when it comes to addiction. It’s our job to ignore it when it comes to addiction as following it will only bring more destruction to our lives.


Same happened with me in the past. I was so sad about that then I woke up and realized that it was just a dream. But after a few days I relapsed so when this happen you should be more aware.

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