I feel my evil mind is healing- Day 25

My evil mind has left his devil friend and has come on my side. My mind now supports my decision to quit this addiction and tells me to do the right thing. Instead of giving urges and torturing me with my past mistakes, my mind now wants me to forgive myself and move on. This is how I am feeling today guys. I feel blessed.


sounds awesome. I hope you keep on track and find your path. wishing you all the best!

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Thank you bud! Wishing you all the best too. Hope you are doing well. :slight_smile:

Awesome! Keep doing ,:slight_smile:

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Yes, thank you! Hope you are doing well too bud! :slight_smile:

Congratulations on your victory
I hope I will achieve it too, soon. I will keep trying

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Thank you! :slight_smile: Yes, keep trying man! I have succeeded after countless attempts! I have emerged from a very bad time.

It’s a good feeling, enjoy it while you can, but don’t let your guard down. Minds can be sneaky little bastards. They know that if they can’t take you down from the front(face to face) they will try to get behind your back and stab where it hurts. Good luck!


Yeah, I agree! It is tricky. I have to be extremely careful and I am! I am very conscious of all my decisions and actions now. I don’t want to depend on my mind anyway. I want my mind to depend on me.


Yes, somehow you must accept it. Just remind yourself that you’ve probably started your healing journey in a much worse state. Just continue. Even though pictures and urges might never go away, it gets easier to handle each time they knock the door. That is what you want. Don’t judge yourself too hard that they still come around. Instead be grateful how much weaker hey have become compared to the last time they came around. Speaking in metaphors: Hopefully you can make peace with them, such that they know they can knock the door, but have to stay outside and are fine with it. Probably they will knock less and less. Maybe never again. Who knows. :slight_smile:


You have written this so beautifully. I agree! Thanks bud! :slight_smile: