Starting the journey with positive affirmations
I am better
I am brave
[Response prevention step]
Whenever trigger hits and urges come
Treat it like a wave
Don’t judge or analyse it
Don’t act upon it you don’t need to act upon it
You are fine without doing it
Be Calm and stable mind
Start deep breathing
Inhale lungs full
Hold 20sec
Exhale lungs empty
Sit with the urge
Watch it rise and fall
And ultimately fade
For a atleast 15 to 20 minutes
Daily check in till you break the cycle
And feel comfortable
Check in will make you aware of current state
Day 0 check in
I don’t waste seeds
I don’t watch whack content
I am fine without doing as urges wants
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Stay fully aware & alert
Track and detect the trigger
All urges to come and flow
Don’t avoid the urge
Don’t get distracted
Stable focus
Set the timer for 15 - 20 minutes
Sit comfortable
Watch and feel the urge
Rise up and down till
Its ultimately pass away
And memorize it in subconscious mind
Avoidance During the urge flow
May lead to compulsion ultimately to a relapse
The habituation is impaired or failed to develop
Urges are harmless when left alone
When you react it May become harmful leading to a relapse
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Day 1 check in
I don’t lose
I don’t panic
Urges are here and there
Taking deep breath, hold, exhale
Day 2 check in
I am calm
I let it pass
There’s a false sense in my mind that I have broken the cycle
But it’s day 2 and I haven’t forgotten
Keep calm
Breath in
Breath out
Day 3 check in
I let my urge pass
I don’t suppress
I don’t react to it
I am calm
I am peaceful
I sit back relaxed
& It fades away
Day 4 check in
I let it pass lika a train on track
While I wait and watch
Day 5 check in
I am getting used to let it pass
No judging
No Annalise
Just let it pass
I am calm
I am peaceful
Still sometimes I panic
Nevertheless I am peaceful
Day 6 check in
I let it pass
While I stay calm
One day will come I won’t even acknowledge it
Day 3
I can’t calm the storm but I can calm myself until it passes
Day 4
I can not give up
I must get up