How to stop app tracking streaks

How to make the app stop tracking my streaks? I won’t be able to use the app for some time and I don’t want the app to count fake data while I’m not making notes about relapses. You know, in order to not get fake streaks and the fake longest streak.

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It’s not possible to stop the timer.


Oh! Come on, this app never shows fake counts. If you want to take a break simply disable it or uninstall it. When you feel like yes now I’m ready to start again, just install it again and reset your NoFap streak. Why’s there a need to stop this app. By the way, why are you taking a leave? Start your counter and be busy with your other works or daily routine. Just be happy bro. Nothing can stop you when you have a clear vision to achieve your desired goal. All the best. :+1:


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