How to build confidence in yourself

What does it mean to be confident?

To have full belief in yourself.

You are good enough and you have an array of qualities and attributes, that are unique to you.

When we’re confident we can:

  • Influence others readily
  • Deliver our message
  • Bring people together
  • Gain energy to take action
  • Understand people better
  • Push to your limits
  • Have greater freedom from social anxiety

So how do we be more confident?

  1. Gratitude - Start every day and finish every day with gratitude
  2. Dress Clean - When you feel good on the outside, it translates to inside
  3. Praise others - Make others feel good, it costs nothing to be kind
  4. Value your body - Take care of your health, you feel much better in yourself
  5. Talk with purpose - Know that behind what you’re saying there is purpose
  6. Be Brave - Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone
  7. Good Posture - Straighten your back, pull your shoulders away from ears
  8. Celebrate - Celebrate small wins like they’re the biggest wins!

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