How pornography effected my first sexual experience

i dont know but its seems u focus too much on sex, rilex bro and after u got married just do sex lol like how much u want as long as u respect ur wife decission. there is no one in earth after married doing sex only for to get son, that why we got family planning. just stop thinking that sex is everything bro there is a lot more things to discover about ur wife/gf and there is nothing wrong with doing sex. the 1 is wrong is when u cant control urself and push her to do sex without her consent thats it. got it?

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just stop being n*rd and pervert that always thinking about sex. Just do nofap, rewire ur brain back to normal so u wont attract too much about shit sex mentallity. if u r only doing sex only to get child then ur daughter gonna have 20 siblings. i suggets for u to learn about family planning. if u think that sex is everything then u r too young to talking about sex, there is thousand commitment u need to commit after being married

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Doing sex improve ur:

  • quality of relationship
    -good for body
    -know ur partner more deep

and tons of benefits. Have a fact first before try to talking something like that because it may lead to misunderstanding.

every single human in this world have lust and if u dont have its i just want u to know that u r not normal. The things is how r u gonna deal with ur lust which is in a right way or the wrong one. So that why u need to be educated and learn how to control urself and make a right decission and not being pervert that always think about sex. Learn how to respect other people first bro just dont think that everyone want to have sex with u, stop act like u can have sex with everyone


im sorry its not like im try to pressure u but please have a fact first before talking because it may cause a big misunderstanding


hahahaha no no i want to say in general to people who have perv mind

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Dont tell the power of bhagvad geeta out of indian people. For them it’s just a simple book, for us it’s god. Sometimes we have to stay silence. :slightly_smiling_face:


Absolutely bro. Gita is God himself.

Bhagwad gita is my fav scripture it is written in qna format arjun has asked to lord krishna all the questions from our behalf.

My point on pmo is when we do it once and if we feel the bliss why are we doing it again and again tell me if u pass 12th exam will u give the same exam again, or if u found ur lost mobile will u find it again.

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No wrong bro, sex is the ability to make new life form, a better generation to this universe but if you use sex as enjoyment then it’s wrong it’s not for enjoyment or pleasure it’s for giving this world beater person bhramcharya is not only about no fap or no sex it has a very deep and broad meaning of a married can also follow bhramcharya if he keep his mind clean and know sex is not for fun


Why you all are tring to make me not have sex? Is it such a horrible thing out there to do this? Seriously. You sound like you’ve never been in a relationship before. You can just write that love is not sex and that s great. It s great to see this in movies or in stories on the internet but that s not what i m going for. I m not really into nofap and all that stuff. I want to stop watching porn and have sex with my girlfriend as i feel it s just what i need at this stage.
That s all stop tring to be my therapist. I wrote this post to express what i felt at the time not to argue about whether sex is something ethical or not.

I got what he said but i just disagree with it. You neednt explain this to me all over again you know. Still thanks for helping. It was literally the only sane response i got. Other are just bullshit and pure lunacy. It s outrageous.


Sorry for raging a little. Let s just live it as it is

It s not really my problem that your culture makes you think like that. In this i expressed that sex is something important for me and i havr nothing against it. And suddenly some gruop of maniacs starts to prove me wrong. After failed attack they say “we are just sharing our opinion, do what you want” XD. Like thanks for help. All the thing you write here is just “mY gOd SaYs SeX iS eViL, yOu WiLl Go To HeLl”.
Or even worse like @Gokura . But i agree with him a bit. The best thing he can do is to insult me and pretend that what you say doesn’t make sense.

its purely natural in the form of marriage
and the need of human being.
but other sexual perversions ate not natural.

Sorry bro . It is my mistake . Everybody thinking is different , I don’t want to debate . Thanks for sharing your opinions.


You are from which country ? What religion you follow?

I dont really want to share this. Lets just say i m not familiar with your culture.

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@666wariacina All that @Hardmode123 is trying to say is the central message of Indian texts
“Give up the lower desires attain higher goals”
It doenst mean to denigrate sex. Sex is ofcourse essential but its definitely not worth the hype and hoopla we are seeing around it nowadays.


Okk. Best of Luck for NOFAP.


Yes bro, absolutely.