How not to objectify women?

Look guys, I feel this thread is getting a little derailed from its original topic, but anyways derailing it more for just one time, I have a few things to tell you guys, just as someone who is more experienced and older.

  1. There is nothing like true love or false love, love is just love. If it fails, it doesn’t make it false, it just confirms that there was never any actual love, just a perception of it. Some examples of love are the love of parents for their children, the love of dogs for their masters, the love of a wandering swallow to feed its family, etc… Brothers, love has been valued so much that our ancestors have compared it directly with God saying ,“Love is God and God is love”. Don’t make it look like something as materialistic and immoral like the human existence in present world scenario.
  2. Women, just like you are humans. Don’t treat it as usual yada yada. I’ve never had any girlfriend but once I loved a girl. She was serious about me too. In the terms of looks and status, she was way ahead of me. But I found her to be having same feelings as me. She used to get jealous of other females even looking at me , even though she worked in show business, and I used to get jealous just because there were always guys around her who were way better than me in every aspect. I used to fall back to her in bad situations and so did she. I wanted to spend time with her and so did she. I found out that in every aspect, she was just like me. But these similarities, when we fail to understand them, seem to us as our differences, we magnify our differences and it ultimately leads into a disaster. That has happened with me, and it has left me permanently devastated in that situation where I can’t even imagine to be with any female for anything else, besides seeing them as sexual objects. I don’t want you to end up in that situation too. My faith in humanity has permanently eroded and there’s no space for any new relationship anymore. But you guys have not experienced anything yet, so I want you to be sane, conscious and rational. Thinking of women to be very different than you and having perceptions about them cand make your life disastrous. Believe me. I don’t want you to end up like me, being over 24 and still the closest you ever get to a female is sitting besides her in an auto rickshaw.
  3. Religions didn’t make men. Men made the religions, made invented war, men created bigotry, hatred, crime and a history wrapped in bloodcover of nearly a billion innocent lives. Value religion, respect religion, follow it if you can, but don’t place it before humanity. Humanity is the greatest religion that has ever existed.
  4. You can see renunciation as the only sane path possible, you can see death as the only way out, but the changes that you want to see in this world can only be made if you stay here and bring it. You are stronger than you think, you are higher than you know, you are more loved than you can imagine and you are more fortunate than you think you are. The very reason that we’re still here, all good, all sane , all alive, gives us the very reason to feel fortunate and grateful to this nature.

Ask those who have felt the wrath of death very close to them and ask them the value of small things as drinking water , breathing in fresh air, seeing your family, watching the blue sky. Ask them the meaning of existence, and things as small as be able to do what you want to do, such as bathing whenever you’d want, sleeping whenever you’d like, talking to whomever you want to… These small changes bring all the differences in life.
Earn small moments of happiness before you target for a big one. Value your defeats and work again. Ask for help if you can. See where you are right now, but also have a vision of where you are not.
Life, happiness and love, these are three different things, but they bear some similarities. One of the greatest similarity between them is that you have to struggle to earn any one of them. You have to fight to get any of these things.

And don’t compare yourself with others, I know there are a lot of people who have it way easier and better than you, but there are also way more people who have it way worse than you. Go for a walk around midnight on the roads, and you’ll see the state of some people who are so unfortunate that they have to sleep there in just rags in severe winter. Everything that you think and do, whether you believe it or not, directly or indirectly, affects the life of that person. So do things and think in a direction which will affect the life of those unfortunate ones positively.
“Be kind, for everyone you see , is fighting a hard battle.” -Socrates

Just to lighten up your mood, the same Socrates has said something about marriage:
“By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy. If you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher”.

Don’t get me wrong guys, I know nothing more or less than you regarding life and love. If I did, I’d’ve never asked for help here, I’d have never joined this site, I’d never get distracted and wish to have sex. But I feel that some of my experiences and observations can come handy to you in your life and hence I have shared a few things with you .

Take care.

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Yes, @PrDr I have no idea why the people here are anti-love. If one chooses to remain celibate, be happy, and enjoy that gift. If one finds love in this life, marry, and enjoy that gift. Don’t insult love, this thread seems like a love-bashing to be honest :thinking:

Beautfully said. It was like the people here were already halfway in some other dimension and that Earth was below them :joy:

If you’re called to love, love with all your heart. If not, don’t go ahead and insult something you may never have truly expereinced.
Good post @PrDr love it

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