How I closed the Porn Doors?

I know that to quit every addiction is a painful process. You can feel the pain but you don’t want to bear the pain and that is the reason that it is very difficult to leave.

“If you want to quit porn and want to practice nofap then write and read all the benefits as much as possible.” --HitMo

Daily read articles, miracles stories and when you realise that you were at wrong track then your mind will automatically fuck of porn addiction.

Always remember that decipline is also important if your are doing noFap practice such as Meditation before sleeping and at morning after taking cold shower, exercise, vegetarian diet, juice or fruits, doing work, setting goals and working in direction and many more things should be done with nofap practice so all the sexual energy will transmute in right direction.

if you want to ask me something then you can directly message me.

Thank You for your precious time.

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