How do you deal with urges?

Hey yall! How do u deal with urges? Maybe sharing experiences can help each other.

I resort to prayer and incense. Some affirmations. If it gets too hard (pun intended) I go out for a walk.

I also installed cold turkey on pc but havent found a good free blocker for mobile. Any tips?


Good healthy sleep

Good healthy breakfast


The best way to avoid urges is to get busy like SUPER BUSY. I try to stay with people as much as possible, places where my brain can’t imagine those damn pixels, Go join a gym or start exercising, You have transmute this sexual energy somewhere so what’s better than exercise, I avoid social media at all because it mostly begins from there. Not checking out women in public, Always affirming to myself that they are women not objects, They are my mothers and sisters. You have completely change your brain if you want to quit forever, also leave any community which promotes corn.

There are a few blockers for phone.

1: BlockerX
2: BlockSite: Block apps & sites
3: BlockerHero
4: BlockerMode
5: Bulldog

I use an Android so idk if they work on ios. Best of luck :+1:


Do some pushups or wash your face and hands with cold water. It helps :+1:


Bro even posted pics so one can understand, Best community ever :muscle:


Lovely mate thanks a lot! Your affirmations are spot-on. After my niece was born it all became way too clear. All those women exposing themselves were once innocent angels. I am very sorry their lives became so twisted and I do not wish to partake anymore with those traumatic experiences…


first thing make plans that you dont get urges, which is avoiding any tiggering content, for example Social media, screens except for work or study, looking out at other women,

Now in those unforseen circumstances that you have been hit with an Urge you can do the following :

  1. Stay out of that place,
  2. you can do some push ups, pull ups,
  3. Take a Cold shower,
  4. Talk to a friend on call or meet up
  5. Read something

Thank you brother! These are really helpful.


I pray every night to be strong for the people I care about so that if I have an urge my brain automatically remembers that I will let down not only the one I pray to but also the people I want to protect by diminishing myself. I also listen to adrenaline pumping music that would be good for working out and avoid watching things online that are superficially attractive


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