HONEST reason why porn is bad and how masturbation is destroying your life

Pornography can ruin your perception of sexual intimacy

Masturbation can cause harm to your body as it releases all of the essential nutrients inside of your body and it’ll deplete your stamina

People shouldn’t masturbate in any age whatsoever

Because it’ll rewire your brain on getting the cheap dopamine by laying on bed and jacking off instead of doing something that’ll increase their grades

But did you also know that mammals do sometimes commit rape? Did you also know that mammal never went on a gay relationship? Did you forgot to mention that mammals are less intelligent than humans?

NoFap is basically a movement or a “religious idiculous amalgamination of shrieking religious zealotry, pseudoscience, racism, sexism, and anti-Semitism idea” - as they say, to break your pornography addiction by giving a challenge they shouldn’t watch pornography and masturbate for 90 Days

Oh wait! “Porn0graphy Addiction does not eXisTtt!!!” - coomer

oh yeah? Then why do people tend to spend more time on watching pornography rather than doing something good?

Needless to say people who say NoFap is bad has less intelligence than an average mammal


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