Hi, I will tell you what I’m doing to stay away from this addiction (sorry my english). I’m 101 days without PMO.
First. Block all your devices. Use blockers to cellphone (Applock SpSoft, Safe Kids Kaspersky), to PC (Blok Supreme Pro, soon translated to english) and to the routers use OPENDNS or CleanBrowsing.
I put all my passwords on my shelf on my job. So I cannot access my passwords and cannot open the blockers when I am on my house.
All this will solve the porn problem (and if you cannot block a cellphone adequately, for example, i recommend you to block all your device. I just use my cellphone to WhatsApp, mail and this app Rewire Companion. All other apps are blockeds/lockeds, also Google Play, Google Chrome and Settings. It’s the price for freedom).
But the problem of masturbation remains.
What solved the masturbation problem to me was the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confession. If you are on the western world you can access it easily and frequently.
The Confession sacrament gives you strength to not relapse. And Eucharist keep this strength. I go to Eucharist 5 times per week and almost doesn’t have urges on my 101 days.
It’s the biggest presence of Christ in this world: Eucharist. It will clean your thoughts, will clean all the luxury and gives you chastity. Since I go to Eucharist I don’t relapsed anymore.
Of course you need to pray every morning asking God to gives you chastity.
I don’t have strength to win this addiction. But nobody haves the strength to do the 10 Mandaments. Christ gives the strength to do the Ten Mandaments. Christ gives the strength to do the chastity and win this addiction.
What is the problem? The Protestant Churches don’t have Eucharist and Confession. So if you choose to apply this path you need to go to Catholic Church or Orthodox Church, the most ancient churches.
Today I am new in Christ.
Christ correct us.
You will be a new woman in Christ.