Hi there. This is for everyone on day 0

Who is on day 0? I need someone who can be at same level as I and keep going along the way. And encourage each other. That way its more relatable. Thanks. Code is 826714.

Hey bro. I’m 10 hours in. My code is 15a0bf

I’m 8 hours. Nice. Nice to meet you man. Lets beat this. !! I’ve had enough.

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Take part in my accountabilty group World Championship(elimination chamber match 2) and in Tag team champions
It is for beginners like us. It has helped many previously. One person has achieved 90 days in its previous season.
Come on … bring it on.

What is accountability world championship ? How I get in? Thanks.

What is accountability world championship ? How I get in?

Dont worry, i am tagging you there. Click on your notification only.

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