Hi.. An Extreme Relapser Here

Hi… Howz everyone doing??
Hope everyone is awesome…
It’s been 5 years since I am trying to do NoFap and just failing. My longest streak was 67 days, and that too years ago. Now, I just fall and fall… I can even dream of reaching 30 days. I just relapsedkon Day 25 and it sucks. I am just frustrated AF.


Bro From my side I am giving you just this advice that do not focus on nofap or not doing masturbation or watch something dirty unknowingly. Rather just give your full focus, concentration, and mindfulness into something creative or doing something interesting for your growth. And if you are following these please let me know. And last of all I will tell you this, that rather than sitting idoly and doing nothing. Do something good for yourself and the loved ones you have and spent time with them. If you are following these let me know and if not let me know that wheather it helps or not.

Have a good day😃


Make sacrifices. Replace weak moments with strong ones.
You are feeling lazy, exercise. You are feeling lonely, communicate with loved ones. You are feeling weak and comfortable on your bed, get up and do something good. It could be reading, studying, meditation, prayer, playing an instrument or even going outside the house.
You must know what triggers you to avoid being in these situations. All the best.


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