Help, Please suggest your opinion

Do we loose benefits of SEMEN RETENTION (SR) if we are on fever or bad health?
I was on SR however since day 10, i got fever, cough, cold, weakness basically viral infection and weakness. I was on antibiotics for 3-4 days and i was feeling hopeless with no energy wnd enthu. Gained few pounds and feeling dehydrated. Precisely, was unwell with weakness.
However was still getting urges but decided to stay with SR.
Today am on day 22, feeling better but not like i used to feel on day 22 earlier.
Doing workouts as well so feeling better.
Please suggest your opinions that do we loose the benefits of SR if we are down with fever or upset health?

Greetings, brother

I believe that we don’t lose any progress when we’re sick, in fact, celibacy is one of the best methods of dealing with sickness for teens and young men. When you are clean, you have an effective cure against many diseases.
From my experience, since my current streak is my biggest and it continues from last year’s beginning, I never get sick during celibacy. I only was at the room of dantist and that’s all.

I will suggest you to rest and abstain away from phone and in one day you’ll get better. Spend this time with your beloved ones and with yourself. Journal.

I wish you’ll recover soon


Agree @surname bro, thanks a lot
Have started using phone less to heal myself completely.


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