Help! About to make mistake

Hi guys, yesterday night i went home with sex in mind, fastly i started to search woman in internet to have sex and i found mature one ready to have, we had some sex talk she sended me horny pictures and gave me whatsap, few minuts after we were talking about have a meet for sex, today she wrote me for have sex online by cam this week and if all going right, just have a real sex, one step push me to another one, hard to stop, but i fell this is not good for me, just i going to fall in the same low place, without no real value an without real self-esteem, what in the past seemed like a victory, now I feel that way and still tempts me.Any advice?

Take a walk. Take deep breaths. You can do it

Try to change your desire into a choice, then choose between doing it and not doing it. You can control the temptation just say no to it and say i’m committed no matter what temptation. Hope this helps


I once heard somebody say, “We’ve bought into the lie that we need sex”. And this lie has fed our addiction. If you think about it, it’s true that men desire sex more than women, but the above statement is also true, we CAN live without it. We can endure and tame our sexual urges. And just use sex for real love making, in pleasing our partners.

I also was one time tempted to go and hire a prostitute/escort. But i got some conviction, saw it as a wakeup call, thought that i have gone too far with that thought already. And that’s when i went to join some support group addressing sexual addiction. Some of us change only when the circumstances are worst or when it’s too painful to bear or it’s almost too late to change. I thought to myself, I dont have to wait until I get AIDS/STD before i start to work myself. I’d have to change now. I’d advice you to stop, rethink, and do the right thing before it’s too late. I may be harsh and traditional with that advice but I think this is something you need to hear


If you still have urges throughout multiple days, then I highly advise you to do a very intense workout where you deplete your energy. If you do this correctly and you’re dead-tired afterwards, I can assure you that you will not have that urge anymore for a while afterwards.

If you’re not sure what to do for workout, you can try interval training with sprints. Start by 45 seconds jogging, then 15 seconds sprinting. 45 sec jogging again, 15 seconds sprinting again etc. Do this till you’re very tired, then do 3 more.

This is not per se effective training for stamina, but it is very effective for beating urges.

Best of luck bro

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Dont Have sex with a STRANGER.