Help (about NoFap and fails)

I’ve been trying NoFap since two whole years. I can’t pass more than 5 days. My main problem is me. I came here to ask, does anyone have the same problem? Today I relapsed because I felt horny. I already quit social media (Instagram and Facebook), my trigger was that I searched the “p” word on Twitter, I didn’t even had a real trigger! It was just me, feeling horny and trying to get of that wicked feeling. Is there anything I can do? Any advice? I’d appreciate anything :frowning:

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You should delete twitter account asap because the content isn’t censored (and is more dangerous than insta/fb) or use an app called “block” to block the app 24/7 I’ll recommend you to delete twitter account every time you do same thing on twitter it’ll help in near future…also block all browser with the app


Thanks man! I will give it a shot. Do you recommend any block app?

Download mod apk of stay focused and use nopo x mod apk

The problem is you and the solution is you.
Feeling horny doesn’t mean you need to waste your energy in vain. Build new good habits and use your life force wisely. You don’t need P for anything. Life is so beautiful without it.

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