HE-MAN123's Diary- Success Story

Day 40

I am happy and successful
I am happy and successful
I am happy and successful
I am happy and successful
I am happy and suceessful

Life’s better with Nofap. But I should really go to bed on time and wake up early on time. I will do it.


I am enjoying my life more these days. I feel better, look better and laugh more often. Porn and Masturbation are the worst things killing young men today. Semen retention on the other hand gives health, energy and brings about a full development of personality. I love the nofap style, the pure mindset we had before we fell victim to porn and masturbation industry.


Day 41

I am happy and successful
I am happy and successful
I am happy and successful
I am happy and successful
I am happy and successful

Thank you God for helping me reach so far! :pray::pray::pray:


Day 42

I am happy and successful
I am happy and successful
I m happy and successful
I m happy and successful
I am happy and successful

God bless me!!


Day 44

I am happy and successful
I am happy and successful
I am happy and successful
I am happy and successful
I am happy and successful


Day 52

God bless me!! I am slowly building my social life, networks, my physical health, professional skills, mental abilities now. Indulging in porn and masturbation for all these years did a lot of damage to my life and things have changed a lot during this time. Most of my friends have even got employed in some jobs but I am still struggling. There are many factors which have made me what I have become today but of all, PMO is the worst one. Day 52 today and there will be no looking back. Dear God help me to rebuild my life, career, my health. God bless me.


Great job brother - you’ve passed 50 days! :star::fire::rainbow::zap::boom::dizzy:

Keep doing what you’re doing; it’s definitely working!

Stay strong my friend. GOD bless you.


Day 55- COUNT!! :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::clap::clap::metal:

I think I was going through a withdrawal cycle for the past few days. Yesterday I was tempted to open ■■■■ websites. But I restrained myself and imagined myself having watched ■■■■ and masturbated which was followed, in my imagination, by a still greater depression, guilt, regret, and the pain of losing all the present streaks and starting all over again from day 0, for just a few minutes of perverted sensory pleasure. The pain of possible relapse was thousand times greater than the temporary pains of the withdrawal symptoms. The urge to visit ■■■■ site left me on it’s own thereafter.

Life is better with nofap!!


OCTOBER 1, RELAPSED AFTER 56 DAYS at 1:38 AM :sleeping::sleeping::persevere::persevere::persevere::sleepy::sleepy::sweat::sweat::sweat:

Jan- 5
Feb- 0
March- 3

April- 3
May- 1
June- 5

July- 5
August- 1
September- 0

October- 1.

In 2018, the scenario was like this-
Jan,Feb, March–> 20.
April, May, June–> 11.
July, August, Sept.–> 9.
Oct, Nov, Dec.–> 9.

Oh God!!! I succumbed again to negativity, stress, physical pain, anxiety and lust. But it was my highest streak till date. I never really thought that I could make it so far. This relapse was however such a big loss for me. Anyway, there is still 91 days left in 2019. I WILL finally finish this year with a 91 days streak at any cost. Dear God help me! I have slowly improved myself a lot over these 2 years in nofap. Now give me the mental strength and wisdom to quit this poison for once and for all without losing any more days and months in relapsing and regretting.

Today I promise that I will end this year with a 91 days streak and I promise myself and to almighty God that 2020 would be a completely clean year. God bless me!!


You’re alright dude :pray: you’re awesome! Don’t worry :+1::wink:


I binge relapsed whole September after my fall from 51 days streak.

I lost everything which i gained from 51 days and i am not alone in this situation… maximum people have reported and i have seen… when someone relapse from a high streak… it eats their many months… i mean there whole mindset get destroyed.

Instead of survival they dwell in past and make stories of future. They forget that what will they do if urge strike this moment. They have to Rebuild themselves… step by step… brick by brick…

I am telling all this so… that you can awake in the Today Moment. Forget past… Dont think of future… just think of surviving Today


You are absolutely right my friend!


In the coming few months, I have to appear for many interviews for jobs. I wish to see myself in the best physical, mental and emotional state possible.


Day 1 :blush: Got up @ 4:45 AM

I am happy and successful
I am happy and successful
I am happy and successful
I am happy and successful
I am happy and successful…


Day 2 , 8:45 AM
I am peaceful, happy and successful
I am peaceful, happy and successful
I am peaceful, happy and successful
I am peaceful, happy and successful
I am peacedul, happy and successful!


Oct 5
Jan- 5
Feb- 0
March- 3

April- 3
May- 1
June- 5

July- 5
August- 1
September- 0

October- 2 :sweat::sweat::sleepy:

Day 2

I have quit porn and masturbation.


Day 3

I am peaceful, happy and successful
I am peaceful, happy and successful
I am peaceful, happy and successful
I am peaceful, happy and successful
I am peaceful, happy and successful


Day 4

I am peaceful, happy and successful
I am peaceful, happy and successful
I am happy, peaceful and successful
I am peaceful, happy and successful
I am peaceful, happy and successful


@HE-MAN123 your diary have inspired us. I noticed whenever you fall down you always finds a way to get back up no matter how weak you are. I hope you cross 91 days streak by the end of this year. :fire::fire: