Guys,,why do you think it's very easy for a a guy who's overcome PMO to relapse very easily despite the sacrifices but so hard for a guy to overcome this addiction

The reason am asking this is because i started PMO since 2016 and it never occured to me that i was actually getting addicted until it started having negative impacts on my body,my social life and my mental health. i really tried quitting but you’ll know how hard it is despite the willingness to give up this thing. so one day i just decide i ain’t doing this thing no more.It was a simple decision as that and i actually stopped for 3 months continuous and then one day the urge kicks in and am like it’s been 3 months,this one time won’t affect and all i need to do is decide once more and am free again.Guys,let me tell you😫
since that one time in 3 months the urges kinda became stronger and stronger,it felt like my brain was kinda avenging or something,till now am still fapping​:sob::sob::broken_heart:but am.3 days clean now…hoping to beat my longest streak which is 3 months
I need a companion we’d help each other battle this thing together
my sharing code is d7beq7


Its because you can get an instant relief from every problem you are facing, its a way to hide from reality,you must be determined and strong to face the problems without using this far as your topic is concern its easy to relapse beacuse it take time to build anything but to destroy that thing it only take few moments.


It’s because you keep staring at the poison reminding yourself how good it tastes like. Stop looking back cause that ain’t where you’re going. Abstaining alone won’t be enough. You are actually getting rid of this addiction forever so you need to get used to it. There are other solutions to life problems and there are other solutions for boredom. This desire is just an old bad habit of wanting a so called “solution” to what you are facing while in reality, you just want to escape reality. You became hesitant and you won’t realize how stupid you are right now only in the future. I hope I’m not harsh but I call my past self stupid many times so I consider it normal :joy:

Yeah but you gotta believe that this addiction is not a beast. You are wanting to escape and reach freedom from a dangerous predictor while in reality it’s just an illusion. All you’re doing is conquering yourself.


Quite simply, it is because you have built up the sinapses in your brain to do this thing. You may know that you can stop, but your body thinks it needs to fap to function. It trains itself with the dopamine and many other hormones to function using the high of the PMO. So its easy to go a few days, or even a few weeks without, but then your body freaks out and it causes a deep craving.
I am also religious. The truth is that if we try to stop without God’s help we only get so far. I have found that talking to a priest has helped me fight on a spiritual level with this addiction. Being present and praying to God actually has a physical, mental, and spiritual affect on people, that makes it easier to overcome addiction. We can do this, my friend! Ill pray for you.


No you aren’t being harsh. You are telling the truth and we as humans dont want to be associated with the truth but hide in the comfort zone or rather where our heart finds comfort even if that comfort isn’t what you want,somebody said that sometimes it’s just hard to face reality and now it’s dawning on me what he actually meant


Yeah thanks,it actually made me,Hold on…like further away from God,it makes me feel guilty in such a way that am looking my self in a mirror and am like this can’t be me,23 years old fapping to pixels on my phone and i find it hard seeking for help from God.why? because I’ve done it for so long and i would turn to him ask for forgiveness and guidance,go for confession and i would abstain for a week or so then relapse again. And i would take it in as much as am praying i can’t keep on repeating the same thing over and over so i stopped praying,going to church and i decided I’d resume when am able to overpower my addictions by myself but it’s so hard. I need God for guidance,i need to feel He who’s this body is his temple is under control of my life. And believe me as we speak right now am actually planning to attend mass today.


You relapsed because you thought it won’t affect your health. Now you’ve understood that PMO gives just 1 sec pleasure, not happiness. Now you’ve known the right path.

Your mind is so powerful. It’ll become what you feed it.
Keep your vision pure.
Listen pure.
Speak pure
Eat healthy.
Do hardwork and yes it’s gone :white_check_mark:

More power to you Bhai :muscle: God bless you :pray:


Praise be to God that you are going to mass! I have found nothing more healing than the sacraments of Confession and the Mass. Today’s readings were actually about healing, and that really touched me and made me realize a few triggers i had. I hope you find healing the same way.


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