Guard your frame

Wishing him the very best.

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So you not trolling me, you meant every words you dished out?

But white should be white, no matter your country or cultural heritage or background

Yup i am not trolling anyone its not my intention guys

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Alright bro. We get your point


I had heard this a lot of times from a lot of people but I never believed in this, until I literally had to succumb to this.

“You eventually become the kind of people you spend most of your time with.”

If you spend time with 5 people who are hellbent on being successful, you will be the 6th one.

If you spend time with 5 idiots, you will be the 6th one.

Avoid people who are not serious about their goals in life, avoid people who are not kind, avoid toxic people who just keep you around for their own entertainment, whoever it may be.

I have been following this from 3 years, and I drastically see a huge improvement in my friend circle and my outlook towards life.

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Ya know people will see your succes
Not the pain and struggle behind it

For people pain and struggle doesnt matter but but succes definetely matters

Hustle till you drop, good luck

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OK, you’re saying that I don’t get it and that everyone is different and has different lives. But all of your 1st comments were arguing that no, nobody can be influenced by other people it’s not how it is. All you had to do was say that that’s not how YOU are. Not being dismissive of the concept in the 1st place. I’m not trying to sound wise, I simply am, because I worked for it. I’m sure if we all were to converse in person things would make more sense. At any rate, it would be nice to focus on the point of this thread instead of back-and-forth so that’s the end of this for me. :pray:t3:

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No mate i didnt argue that nobody can get influenced i simply said that who are influenced they let themself get influenced, everyone got conscience a person’s moral sense of right and wrong, and they simply dont listen to it and dive into bad habits ,thats all i was trying to say. I see you like to be wise but When you try to face/argue atleast try to be relevent .
‘Nobody can get influenced’ and ‘let yourself get influenced’ aint the same thing


Like i said in my first or second message, one of the most “relevant” aspects of this concept is that it is largely a subconscious or unconscious occurrence, to be influenced/subject to the hive mind and gang mentality. So it’s relevantly not the same thing… actually one of the most important factors in understanding the reach of the concept.
Anyway, this turned from making sense of the topic to making sure we make sense with how we’re representing what we’re trying to say.
I can admit that your initial dismissiveness, whether you intended it or not, was kind of triggering for me. I found it worth while to speak to the way you addressed this. I apologize if I missed a better way to respond-- or was annoying lol.

Actually kind of glad because with your last replies, I think we were able to see more of where you’re coming from and what you were thinking when you first started saying stuff. Rock on, pal. Glad for differences, different styles of strength, and the ability to connect them… since we’re all connected at the end of the day :grinning:

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Good nd nice write up. We keep grinding for a better day

You Took a while to get it
Its better late than never
At the End
More power to yall warriors


You took a while to give it :wink:

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Lol, we are saying the same thing

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Let’s move on bro. We have great task ahead

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I agree to the point above, it’s more about psychological aspects of life. During my high-school I was not really performing well, I use to sit beside avergae students who were not doing that good in exams. There was a day when our seat arrangements were changed, our class teacher asked us to sit with students who were performing great in exams and having a percentile of 80 and above. Man you wont believe it, even we changed I scored great marks in the exam. Another recent example here related to community here, the day I started interacting here and started following few of them, I was surprised by their streaks of 10 days to 40 to 100 and above. In the beginning I took them as an inspiration and smoothly completed my 10 days streak without a problem but the moment few of my companions started relapsing it affected me as well and I relapsed too. So ya from my own experience it literally matters in which group you belong, it will affect your mood at many level.

PS - by psychological aspects of life I meant the habits, the overall behavior of a person and ya the most important the way they communicate as the saying goes words have the power to make you or destroy you. :slight_smile:


This is Sunday service preaching.

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