“In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might beware my power… Green Lantern’s light!”
I want beat this addiction just as Green Lantern fought Parallax. Over the next few days I will keep a record of all my journeys. Parallax is defeated, my next target is Sinestro (aka. Masturbation). Sinestro can never be defeated because he has the fear ring that I must take from him. This will be Green Lantern Corp Files that will be read to the public. Green Lantern Corp let’s go!
This is the enemy that I must defeat and conquer. Sinestro I say to you, “In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might beware my power… Green Lantern’s light!” You are nothing but trouble I will defeat you! I have been 22 days clean now and fear will not take a hold of me. Forget the urge and forget fear, this is a battle that must be defeated with courage. I am assembling my team of Green Lantern Corp to defeat this enemy. I know that I fear that I will fail but this is going to take a lot of courage. Let’s go Green Lantern Corp!
“In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might beware my power… Green Lantern’s light!”
Sinestro is hitting hard but I ain’t going down. I have been battling urges all day. I want give in. I want give up. This fight is stronger than the last time. Sinestro is hitting me hard, and I know that I must prove myself to be in the Green Lantern Corp. I will stand and fight this battle. No evil shall escape my sight. This is the evil that I must not give in to. I will unit with my comrades and stand and fight. Let’s get ready for the battle that evil can come up with. Don’t give up Green Lantern Corp. Let’s go Green Lantern Corp!
“In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might beware my power… Green Lantern’s light!”
Sinestro is fighting hard and trying to win. This is battle that must be fought with courage and without fear. I must find a way to defeat this Sinestro, because these urges our a battle to contemplate. I must not give in, I must not give up. It’s time to take the battle to Sinestro and defeat this enemy once and for all. Green Lantern has been addicted to the habit long enough. I will keep going strong, I will find a way to defeat Sinestro. I am weak but I must place myself in the Corp group and fight this Sinestro. “In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might beware my power… Green Lantern’s light!” Let’s go Green Lantern Corp!
“In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might beware my power… Green Lantern’s light!”
This is how Sinestro turned on us. He went for the bad instead of the good. I will not turn, I will not go back to this bad habit. I will fight this urge to not accept the yellow ring. It is a temptation that I must resist. I don’t want 5 minutes of pleasure and a week of regret. I want to feel better. I want to get over this habit. I will stand with my brothers and fight this urge. I am struggling with the urge as I write this entry. Conflicts of the mind must be controlled, and the spirit must be one with the body. So I say again, let’s go Green Lantern Corp!
I am fighting the urge, I have taken the time to meditated today. I will not give in, I will not give up. It is time to go for 30 days, and encourage myself with people that care about me. I am still fighting and it is hard. I want to give in but I want to stay strong. I must take everyday as it comes and be productive at what I do each day. For the very well-being to align with yourself you must be one with the creator. I will not give up on this because I don’t want to be a weak person that gives into temptation. I want to be strong for those that helped me along the way. Be strong, Don’t be weak. Be silent, Don’t be load. Okay Green Lantern Brothers let’s unit and fight. Let’s go Green Lantern Corp!
“In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might beware my power… Green Lantern’s light!”
Okay everyone, I am here now to tell you that I am having a bad day today. I am having this headache that has gotten me down. I feel like this is the time to relapse but I will remain strong. I have this one thing that is bothering me, I have this horrible nightmare that I will relapse and be someone other than myself. I have to learn to forgive myself of my past mistakes. I know that if I do relapse I will not be the same person I am now. I must not remember my days of NoFap Streak or it will haunt me forever. This is the reason I have not written my days on my journal entry. @Prayer_Warrior has told me that “forget the days and just move forward in your life.” So this is what I have been doing ever since he told me. @Prayer_Warrior also said this quote would help to “suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret.” I don’t want pain of regret so I will suffer the pain of discipline. Okay Green Lantern Corp let’s go!
I get you there! I’m the same way, because when I’m in pain, I feel like relapsing, if nothing else, just to get my mind off the pain. It’s one of the hardest times to stay strong, but it’s one of the most necessary times to do so!
Yes! Very solid advice! It sounds simple, but it works!
I’ll do my best to keep you in my prayers, Brother! God bless you!
I almost relapsed today, I almost failed. I want to be strong, I want to be disciplined. I must stay focused on the important things in life. I know what I must do, I must fight the urge and I must focus. Nothing can defeat me, because I want to be fearless. It is time to take the battle to the front lines. Green Lantern Emerald Knight will fight to the finish. I want to complete 100 or even a 1,000 days even a lifetime if at all possible. So as I say to my brothers in this fight, “don’t give up, don’t give in. Fight to the end, fight to you can fight not more.” I will stand on this ground and believe in my heart that this habit can be defeated. Let’s go Green Lantern Corp!
Hello everyone I just wanted to let you know that I will not be here coming in December. @valiantwarriorsoldier thanks for your telling me this.
@Sholt_Tenkerrot thanks for being here when I need to talk. Gonna miss you Brother.
@user1234567890 thanks for being there for @Prayer_Warrior whenever he needs help. I don’t know you all that well but you sound like a friend I could get along with.
@Covertxomic1 thanks brother for everything you do on this forum. You are past 50 days and Congratulations making this far. Gonna miss you brother.
@Prayer_Warrior I hope that you keep people in this forum updated on my travels overseas. Every once in a while I will call you and let you know what to write in my journal. Gonna miss you brother.
Well the reason I have not been writing in my journal is because I have been to 6 different doctors to get all my shots for overseas missionary mission. I even had to go out of town to some of these doctors. I am going to miss everyone here. As soon as things settle down at where I am going I will let Believe_100 write here were I am at. Thanks y’all for the support. November isn’t over yet but I will be leaving in December. God bless y’all.