Goodbye porn. Let us break up permanently

Dear Porn,
It’s been a hell of a ride these last 12 years. From dancing YouTube videos, to erotic kissing, to hot friends and models on social media, to porn. Eventually I found Instagram and Reddit and this skyrocketed my relationship with you. Pictures always got me off better than videos.
I’m very attracted to girls, and particularly ones with nice hip waist ratio. Going to my school gym and walking around campus at noon is heaven.
But Porn, you’ve turned me into someone that has made me obsessed with fantasizing about women. I see a girl with a nice rear in tight jeans or yoga pants and if she has a cute face, all I can think about is me dogging her and wishing I could find her Instagram to help my fantasy thinking.
You’ve given me so much good feeling when I wasn’t dating girls, but for some time now, I haven’t dated any girls, and I’ve become so dependent on you.
I am about to start a new life working, and I want to crush this new journey. I want to see my abs for the first time in my life, to build muscle, I want the opportunity to buy new clothes to fit my fit body. I want the energy to crush my career and have enough time to help others. I want to marry a queen whom I will love with all my heart and see her be a phenomena mother.
I love my personality too porn, but you just suck the energy out of me and I become a zombie who can’t think. So although you make me feel so good or at least numb to pain, I can’t have you in my life anymore if I want to achieve my life goals.
So this is goodbye. Forever. You will no longer be in my life forever.
And don’t try to come back. I have the power of my fingers and they will never search you again. I swear to my future wife and children I will become the best version of myself for them, and for myself.

So goodbye porn, I hope we will never cross each other in future.


Its time for a fresh start. Let’s leave that garbage :wastebasket: in the past and start a new future.

Keep that mind set man. Your future is looking bright :sunrise_over_mountains:

Stay Clean, Stay Healthy, Stay Focused and Stay Happy. :v:

Nicholas/24/VA Beach, USA


Well said, I really relate with how it always starts with a YouTube dancing video and before you know it you are deep in the rabbit hole. Best of luck to you!

With you in this journey Bro