Goodbye and thank you after 6 years

It’s been 4 years since I’ve been active on this app. Throughout these years, I’ve struggled with PMO addiction a lot, and finally found myself. I am in fact a woman, and most of my pain that took me towards PMO was actually gender dysphoria, eg. not feeling at home in my own skin. Since I’ve realized this, I successfully entered med school, made genuine friends for the first time and have been able to stop PMO with little effort. HRT has helped me of course, and I even had surgery a few months ago.

Anyway, I wanted to thank you all for having been there all these years when I was finding out myself. You helped me a lot and I hope I was able to help some of you as well. Please be true to yourselves, and become the people you want to be, and not the people who you feel you have to be.

Sending you much love,
Thea (ex Pierretomas18)


All the best for the upcoming journey ahead mam !!


Dear Thea,
I am glad that you have been able to achieve what you wanted to become and is now enjoying your life
Whatever comes ahead of you, I hope that you will tackle them head on
May you be successful in all your endeavors :+1::pray:

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God bless you for your great journey ahead :people_hugging:. Although most of us haven’t talked to you but your success is really making us happy. Brotherhood of rc . Best wishes sister!

Surgery for what?

gender reassignment surgery, you can look it up on the internet

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