Going for exile

After losing many times i am taking exile from this community for some time. Coming date is uncertain hope that everyone will understand.
If any one wants to join that Marvel vs DC challenge may join otherwise @ysub you can disqualify me and provide points to my opponent in stage 1.
See you next time Inshaallah


But my observation: quitting never helps u


Gl, bro! You can do this! Work on it! Do flashcards! Work! Be a good person! Yeah! Fight for your life and future! Fight a lot! Study 12 hours a day! Work 12 hours a day! Eat well! Sleep well! Play well! Talk well! Be good! Be good! You’ve got to do this! Have eloquence! You can do this! Work! Work!

One of the principal characteristics of a successfull person is execution cappacity!

Fe Alves SN Youtube

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