GOD saved me from addiction

hey guys, I lost this app with my former phone and The LORD Laid it my heart to share as it should be. The truth is that I started this habit from a very young age about maybe 5 or 6, I started masturbating even before I started watching porn. It was “sweet” that time. My parents (we were a “Christian” family per say but I wasnt born again) tried to stop such a habit, but I started sneaking to corners to do it, what I did was that I would like flat with my front on the ground and begin to masturbate by rubbing my penis on the floor. I was never going to redownload this app but … to shorten the story, years past still with the habit, had been corrected once a time but I restarted it again. I was going to be 18 yrs soon I was irritated with this habit but I had tried and failed, I went as far as telling GOD to Kill me if I did it again but alas i still did it! I was quite struggling because I didn’t want to be old and still have this habit, when I started secreting semen after masturbating was when things really started to dawn on me, it was formerly me just pleasuring myself, of course, I still kept this all secret, no one to my knowledge then knew I still did it, there were times when my sister had almost quite caught me watching porn( I don’t know if they did because they didn’t report to my parents or I think they were just silent on it), but I tried to hide it, going so far to download video hiding app, so that I could keep the pornographic videos hidden in my phone, the one I used was that “clock app” from playstore. I was the head-boy (head perfect) then in school and was actually the doing well in school and at that time j thought it was the masturbating that helped me in studying because I would stop in between studying when this demonic urge would come up. I will tell you the truth what you are going through is not natural, it is spiritual, you are under a spirit of addiction that’s why that “breathe holding” technique fails over time, it is not carnal but spiritual as it is written, “we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers…
so I would stop reading and “help” myself before continuing and of course the worse was the conviction and condemnation that came after after the secretion all the “sweetness” just disappears into regret or reality dawns upon you( you see demonic). I am not inviting you to a religious sect, I simply giving you the solution to the problem and HE Helped me, after I knew the Truth, The WORD Of GOD, I forgot about masturbating and pornography whilst reading the WORD for a month something in struggled to stop for about 4 days to a month, I think a month was the highest I ever got and felt like compressing into a ball as I struggled with myself facing my phone to not masturbate. Simply friends and truthfully I haven’t masturbated or watched the tiniest bit of porn intentionally(you know ads) for over a year now, I am not struggling, I’ve been tempted but HE Helped me through, I’m free, JESUS Set me free! HE Wants to do the same for everyone of you here and even one day so you could be testifying as I am today. I am not lying, THE LOVE Of JESUS Set me free, and by HIS Grace and Mercy I still remain free ti today, not of my power not by my might, if you are tired of using ur Jen strength to fight for yourself and by yourself, JESUS Has been Waiting for you! Im not lying here, HE LOVES you and more than anything wants to Deliver you if you’d give a chance by accepting HIM as LORD and Saviour, Savior from addiction and I tell you by HIS Help and HIM Speaking to you by JIS WORD, addiction will run from you not just porn but any other such demonic spirit! as I mentioned, I scarcely at this time went to Church, but one day I was touched by To be LORDS HOLY SPIRIT and for the first time in my life I went to the front of the Church at the altar call in one youth gathering or celebration of that sort. But I still later when to back to masturbation and porn but this time, GOD Had Given me enough strength to reduce the porn that I stopped watching actual porn to film scenes. it was a Bible education programme that GOD then Saved me totally with the knowledge of The TRUTH and for a month, my mind did not remember porn or masturbation, I wastotally delivered from it! JESUS SAID” I AM the Way, The TRUTH, The LIFE, no one come to The FATHER but by me" , when I found out The SCRIPTURE, " HE that Did not spare His only son what earthly things won’t HE Give unto you". Folks “spare” not give but “spare”. At this time, GOD was my “Daddy”, HE still is, I am not Mr perfect, GOD IS still dealing with me on other things, I still have weaknesses, but tell you what? it’s a free man writing this. It is really a need that you do the same thing I did, to enter a relationship with GOD"for GOD so LOVE the world that HR Gave HIS only begotten SON that whosoever that beleiveth on HIM should not die", not die in masturbation, not die in addiction, and LIVE FOREVER but it is nevertheless a choice - your choice! pls just pray " FATHER, I come to you in JESUS Name, forgive me my wrongdoings, save my life, make it new, help me LORD to live for YOU. Amen" .
Thanks guys, congratulations you are now born again but that’s not all pls meet someone who could explain to you what is going to happen to you in the coming time to come, join a Church, go to Church next Sunday. It is HIS WORDS that sets you free, get a BIBLE, Pls pray, and I assure with all my heart HE WILL HELP YOU!!! have a nice day and GOD Bless. Thank you for reading


Today I’m 50 days without self destruction.
This time is different. This time is not my power (I am weak) , but the power of God.
I go to Eucharistia almost every day.
We need always to pray to God for chastity.
I believe finally I will be free from this addiction. Because Jesus give us salvation.


Hello Brother I am from Venezuela I have a problem similar .I am slave since 12 year old .I am 35 actually . I am a Cristian. I Pray to god for you and my . The faith move montains


Hola Jesús. Te parece si somos compañeros de app? Te paso mi ID h5hll1


Ok Pedro está bien seguro . No sé muy bien manejar esta aplicación soy de Venezuela .

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Está bien me parece perfecto . Hay pocas personas que hablan español

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Dónde veo mi Id para compartirlo

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Hola Jesús, yo tampoco le hallo mucho a la app. Pero ahí aprenderemos. Lo de tu i.d. lo ves entrando a la sección de la app que muestra un monito (companion). Ahí haces click en los tres puntos y viene un menú con opciones. Una de esas dice (mi clave de amigo).

Tienes WhatsApp? Te parece si nos mensaje amos por ahí?
Mi num. Es +52 477 521 2730

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Siesta bien el mío es +584242732110

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